Analytics Firm Santiment айтымында, Ethereum (ETH) тарыхтагы эң жогорку деңгээлде өзүн-өзү камакта кармоодо.

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Analytics Firm Santiment айтымында, Ethereum (ETH) тарыхтагы эң жогорку деңгээлде өзүн-өзү камакта кармоодо.

A leading crypto analytics firm is finding that traders are HODLing Ethereum (ETH) in self-custody at record rates.

Santiment отчеттор that traders are holding ETH in self-custody away from exchanges at the highest level since the token launched eight months ago, which the firm says “indicates confidence from HODLers.”

“Ethereum is now being held in self-custody and away from exchanges at the highest level since the week the token was introduced nearly 8 years ago. This essential all-time low ratio of ETH on exchanges (10.31%) indicates confidence from hodlers.”

Булак: Santiment / Twitter

Ethereum is trading at $1,776 at time of writing. The second-ranked crypto asset by market cap is up 3.3% in the past 24 hours.

Сантимент дагы отчеттор ошол XRP‘s social dominance hit its highest level since early November following a price surge on Sunday and Monday.

“XRP Network’s social dominance is at its highest point in a year following the surge above $0.49 for the first time since Nov. 6. Added XRP crowd recognition means more volatile price swings caused by increased volume & mainstream interest.”

Булак: Santiment / Twitter

XRP is trading at $0.46 at time of writing. The sixth-ranked crypto asset by market cap is up more than 19.5% in the past 24 hours.

Мындан тышкары, Santiment жазуулар that the cross-chain token trading platform Stargate Finance V1 (STG) saw its network growth on Ethereum scaling solution Arbitrum (ARB) surge to an all-time high on Sunday.

“Stargate’s network growth on Arbitrum managed to hit an all-time high yesterday despite its -51% price retrace since its Feb 18th top. Our latest insight discusses the Stargate DAO active voting as a likely contributor, and its high risk/reward nature.”

Булак: Santiment / Twitter

Stargate’s jump in network growth on Arbitrum happened despite its recent price woes. The 277th-ranked crypto asset by market cap has plunged by nearly 50% since mid-February and is trading at $0.63 at time of writing.

АКШнын мыкты крипто алмашуу Coinbase delisted the asset earlier this month, saying it failed to live up to its listing standards.

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  Эскертүү: Daily Hodl гезитинде айтылган ой-пикирлер инвестициялык кеңеш эмес. Инвесторлор тобокелге салынган кандайдыр бир инвестицияларды жасоодон мурун тийиштүү кылдаттык менен иш жүргүзүшү керек Bitcoin, cryptocurrency же санариптик каражаттар. Сураныч, сиздин которууларыңыз жана соодаңыз өзүңүздүн тобокелдигиңизде, ал эми жоготуулардын бардыгы сиздин жоопкерчилигиңизде. Daily Hodl крипто-валюталарды же санариптик активдерди сатып алууну же сатууну сунуш кылбайт, ошондой эле Daily Hodl инвестиция боюнча кеңешчи эмес. Эске салсак, Daily Hodl өнөктөштүк маркетингге катышат.

Түзүлгөн сүрөт: Midjourney

кызмат Analytics Firm Santiment айтымында, Ethereum (ETH) тарыхтагы эң жогорку деңгээлде өзүн-өзү камакта кармоодо. биринчи пайда Daily Hodl.

Original булагы: Daily Hodl