FTX Telegram тобунун администратору колдонмолордо болушу мүмкүн болгон "зыяндуу программа" жөнүндө комментарийлер катары хакерликке кабылган, Onchainде катталган фонддун иретсиз кыймылдары

By Bitcoin.com - 1 жыл мурун - Окуу убактысы: 3 мүнөт

FTX Telegram тобунун администратору колдонмолордо болушу мүмкүн болгон "зыяндуу программа" жөнүндө комментарийлер катары хакерликке кабылган, Onchainде катталган фонддун иретсиз кыймылдары

Admins of the Telegram group of the FTX community stated that the platform had been hacked and all of the funds of the exchange seemed to be gone. FTX U.S. General Counsel Ryne Miller, who reportedly pinned the message in the group, explained he was investigating “abnormalities” regarding FTX balances across other exchanges.

FTX Officials Report Being Victim Of Hack On Telegram

An admin of the now-closed Telegram group of the FTX community announced that the exchange was the victim of a hack attempt on Nov. 12. The message, which was pinned by FTX U.S. General Counsel Ryne Miller, informed of a hack in progress and recommended customers to stay away from using FTX apps, reporting that they could be compromised too.

The admin, identified as Rey, жазган:

FTX бузулган. FTX колдонмолору зыяндуу программа болуп саналат. Аларды жок кыл. Чат ачык. FTX сайтына кирбеңиз, анткени ал трояндарды жүктөп алышы мүмкүн.

Several users on social media have reported having their wallets in the exchange салсын of their funds, and seeing swaps of their tokens by stablecoins like Dai onchain. Nansen’s Martin Lee байкалып “massive withdrawals to the same wallet,” something that the exchange had not informed about before.

General Counsel Sees Abnormalities, Onchain Funds Blocked By Tether

While FTX’s regular communication channels have been silent on the issue, Ryne Miller, FTX U.S. General Counsel, reported being looking at these transactions earlier in the evening. Miller шопурлуктан:

Биржалар боюнча ftx баланстарын консолидациялоого байланыштуу капчыктын кыймылдары менен аномалияларды иликтөө - башка кыймылдар сыяктуу түшүнүксүз фактылар. Көбүрөөк маалымат бизде болгондон кийин бөлүшөбүз.

Funds that have been withdrawn in the form of USDT in different chains have been бөгөттөлгөн by Tether, боюнча to reports. More than 30 million USDT were involved in this move.

Miller also reported the exchange is now moving the remaining funds to cold wallets to preserve the remaining capital after an investigation of these “unauthorized transactions”. He деген:

11-бөлүмдөгү банкроттук жөнүндө арыздан кийин - FTX US жана FTX [dot] com бардык санариптик активдерди муздак сактоочу жайга көчүрүү үчүн сактык чараларын баштады. Процесс бүгүн кечинде тездетилди - уруксатсыз транзакцияларды байкап, зыянды азайтуу үчүн.

Ал боюнча билдирүү from Reuters, former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried allegedly had a backdoor in FTX’s system. “In a subsequent examination, FTX legal and finance teams also learned that Mr Bankman-Fried implemented what the two people described as a ‘backdoor’ in FTX’s book-keeping system, which was built using bespoke software,” Reuters reported.

The news outlet also spoke with Bankman-Fried via text and Reuters said Bankman-Fried denied any existence of a backdoor. The exchange had берилген for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy protection on Nov. 11. The story is still in development as the movement of funds still continues at the time of writing.

What do you think of the announcement of FTX’s Hack in its Telegram group? Tell us in the comments section below.

Original булагы: Bitcoin.com