Pro-XRP юристи SECтин мурдагы директоруна тиешелүү олуттуу документтер коомчулукка жеткиликтүү болот деп болжолдойт

The Daily Hodl тарабынан - 1 жыл мурун - Окуу убактысы: 3 мүнөт

Pro-XRP юристи SECтин мурдагы директоруна тиешелүү олуттуу документтер коомчулукка жеткиликтүү болот деп болжолдойт

Адвокат жана XRP supporter John Deaton thinks the public will eventually get to see the much-discussed “Hinman emails.”

The documents have been one of the most contentious issues in the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) lawsuit against San Francisco payments company Ripple.

They contain internal SEC deliberations about a сүйлөө delivered by former SEC official William Hinman in 2018 when he stated in his official capacity that he believed both Bitcoin (BTCжана Ethereum (ETH) баалуу кагаздар эмес.

Ripple мындай дейт: документтер абдан актуалдуу жана эмне үчүн SEC кээ бир крипто активдерин баалуу кагаздар деп жарыялап, башкаларды эмес, крипто индустриясында жеңүүчүлөрдү жана утулгандарды тандап алганын ачып бере алат.

The SEC had repeatedly tried to keep the Hinman documents out of the courtroom, but once District Judge Analisa Torres ruled they must be turned over, the SEC later берилген Декабрь айында айрым мазмунду коомчулукка көрүүгө тыюу салуу сунушу.

Дитон алдын ала that the documents will be made public “at some point” regardless of Judge Torres’ decision on the SEC’s sealing request.

“If Judge Torres cites to or relies on the emails/drafts in making her decision, I am 75% sure that she will declare them ‘judicial documents’ and order that they be unsealed (but with limited redactions). But even if she doesn’t, the emails and drafts are going to be made public.

Why am I so confident? There will be more enforcement actions filed, including against Coinbase, Kraken, and Binance.US, [in my opinion]. I predicted the exchanges would be sued for selling securities last year. I still believe it’s coming. But even before that, other litigation is ongoing.

Dragonchain was sued and is in active litigation. DRGN is an ERC-20 token governed by the Ethereum Blockchain. You don’t think they will seek to get these emails and drafts to help with their defense? There are orders already in place that have denied any privilege claims…

If you have an ERC-20 token, governed by the Ethereum Blockchain, like DRGN, you want those emails. It is actually more relevant to your defense than Ripple’s defense. If you’re an exchange being sued, you will [100%] request these emails.”

SEC сотко берди Ripple in late 2020 for allegedly selling XRP as an unregistered security.

Deaton has played an active role in the lawsuit, берүү an amicus brief on behalf of XRP supporters in opposition to the regulator’s motion for summary judgment.

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Түзүлгөн сүрөт: Midjourney

кызмат Pro-XRP юристи SECтин мурдагы директоруна тиешелүү олуттуу документтер коомчулукка жеткиликтүү болот деп болжолдойт биринчи пайда Daily Hodl.

Original булагы: Daily Hodl