WazirX Резервдердин далилин чыгарат, Холдингдердин 20% жакыны Шиба Инуда жайгашкан

CryptoNews тарабынан - 1 жыл мурун - Окуу убактысы: 1 мүнөт

WazirX Резервдердин далилин чыгарат, Холдингдердин 20% жакыны Шиба Инуда жайгашкан

Indian crypto exchange WazirX has released its Proof of Reserves (PoR), sharing wallet addresses and digital asset holdings. Notably, Shiba Inu accounts for the largest proportion of assets on the exchange as over 19% of its holdings are in the form of the meme coin....
Read More: WazirX Releases Proof of Reserves, Around 20% of Holdings are in Shiba Inu

Original булагы: CryptoNews