Bitcoiners ir jāvēršas pie Amerikas arvien neatkarīgākiem vēlētājiem

By Bitcoin Žurnāls - pirms 9 mēnešiem - Lasīšanas laiks: 4 minūtes

Bitcoiners ir jāvēršas pie Amerikas arvien neatkarīgākiem vēlētājiem

Šī ir satura veidotāja un mazā uzņēmuma īpašnieka Roberta Hola redakcionālā publikācija.

Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs ir divas galvenās politiskās partijas: Demokrātiskā partija un Republikāņu partija. Šīs partijas būtībā ir diametrāli pretējas otrai. Pēdējā laikā abas puses ir novirzījušās uz politiskā spektra galējām malām līdz vietai, kur tās nevar vienoties par pamata faktu kopumu par Ameriku. Abas puses būtībā dzīvo divās dažādās pasaulēs un diez vai var runāt viena ar otru. Tā izskatās politiskā polarizācija.

Šī polarizācija ir radījusi nopietnas problēmas valstij. Daudziem no mums šķiet, ka nekas nemainās no administrācijas uz administrāciju. Nez, vai kāds var godīgi ar tiešu seju pateikt, ka lietas galu galā nav palikušas pa vecam, sākot no prezidentiem Džordža Buša līdz Džo Baidenam.

The United States government is still overspending to the tune of trillions of dollars per year and stealing the future from our kids and grandkids to pay for social security, medicare and military bases overseas which are needed to protect the dollar as the reserve currency of the world.

Cilvēki, kas atrodas šīs piramīdas augšgalā, tiek mudināti uzturēt sistēmu pēc iespējas ilgāk. Tāpēc Bušs, Baraks Obama, Donalds Tramps un Baidens, stājoties amatā, dodas pie vienas bungas. Galvenais mērķis ir uzturēt naudas printeri pēc iespējas ilgāk, jo, tiklīdz mūzika apstājas, bagātajiem un varenajiem viss ir beidzies. Viņi tiks vainoti nelaimē, kas atklāsies.

Many Americans understand this dynamic at some level and are surely tired of the partisan warfare, preferring a government that works and is not too intrusive. This bears out in a recent poll conducted by Gallup. The poll found that 49% of Americans identify as political independents. Vienlaikus, 25% identify as Republicans and 25% identify as Democrats.

Virzība no politiski iesakņojušās


According to the Annie E. Casey Foundation, 260 million people in the U.S. are over the age of 18 and therefore eligible to vote. If you take half of this number and put those people in the “politically-independent” camp, then that’s 130 million people who must be dissatisfied with abi politiskās partijas un meklē jaunus risinājumus savām problēmām.

Will these politically-independent voters become Bitcoiners overnight? No, but with the right message, I think many of them can learn and begin to understand how powerful Bitcoin is and the problems it can solve. Bitcoin smashes the false, “red versus blue” narrative into a million pieces, never to be reconstituted again.

As such, the political climate in the U.S. today offers a massive opportunity for Bitcoiners to speak to a group of people ready to hear the message of hope that Bitcoin brings to the world.

For the other 50% of voters who are more-deeply entrenched in the narratives that the Democrats and Republicans are disseminating, honestly, I don’t know if they will take the time to understand Bitcoin. I hope they do, for their own sakes, but I don’t have much faith that they will. They are too caught up in the red versus blue dichotomy to see that it’s a false narrative and that both primary parties collude to keep third parties off the ballot across the U.S.

But what about followers of a third political party, whose ideal might more closely align with Bitcoin? I conducted a Twitter poll to investigate the political leanings of the average Bitcoiner. I had a feeling that the respondents would lean heavily Libertarian. The results confirmed what I thought to be true:


This was just an impromptu poll on Twitter, but I would suspect that the larger numbers wouldn’t vary too much from these results. It is probably safe to say that many within the Libertarian party either own bitcoin or have heard about it. If the U.S. were full of Libertarians, we would have massive adoption right now, but we don’t, and that is because people who identify as Libertarians represent just a small fraction of the population.

It should be no surprise that Libertarians make up a tiny portion of the electorate but make up a large majority of Bitcoin turētājiem. Unfortunately, from what I’ve seen, the creators of Bitcoin content tend to make content that appeals to the Libertarian crowd, not to the vast majority of Americans, many of whom are politically independent.

Apakšējā līnija ir tāda Bitcoin adoption among hardcore cypherpunks, anarchists and Libertarians is essentially tapped out. If mass Bitcoin adoption in America is going to move forward, our messaging must change to appeal to more middle-of-the-road types of open-minded people. As Americans wake up to the problems with our political dichotomy, these increasingly-independent thinkers are who we need coming into Bitcoin.

Šis ir Roberta Hola viesa ieraksts. Izteiktie viedokļi ir pilnībā viņu pašu un ne vienmēr atspoguļo BTC Inc vai Bitcoin Žurnāls.

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