The Old Standard: Why Gold Is Beating Bitcoin Jo 2022

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The Old Standard: Why Gold Is Beating Bitcoin Jo 2022

Bitcoin continues to underperform as a general “risk-off” sentiment has investors driving toward gold as a safe haven asset.


Bažas par Krievijas un Ukrainas karu turpinās. ASV inflācija cīnās ar pēdējo četru gadu desmitu augstāko līmeni, un dominē bažas par Fed likmju paaugstināšanu. Nenoteiktība attiecas uz pasaules ekonomiku, jo ir gaidāma recesija, nevis atveseļošanās. SVF rīkotājdirektore Kristalīna Georgijeva to nodēvēja par "krīzi krīzei virsū".

“The war is a supply shock that reduces economic output and raises prices. Indeed, we forecast inflation will accelerate to 5.5 percent in advanced economies and to 9.3 percent in emerging European economies excluding Russia, Turkey, and Ukraine. ” The IMF stated last week.

Reuters recently quoted Commerzbank analyst Daniel Briesemann, who talked in a note about the factors that have “lent buoyancy to gold in recent days,” mentioning the “strong buying interest on the part of ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) investors” and news about the Ukraine war.

"Šķiet, ka Krievija gatavojas uzsākt lielu ofensīvu valsts austrumos, kas rada ievērojamu pieprasījumu pēc zelta kā droša patvēruma," sacīja analītiķis.

Tas apkopo šī brīža “riska” noskaņojumu. Kā gaidīts, akcijas cieš, jo investori pārdod riskantos aktīvus un pērk tos, kas negatīvi korelē ar tradicionālo tirgu. Tādējādi kriptogrāfijas telpa cīnās līdzās akciju tirgum, un zelta cena aug.

Bitcoin Outperformed By Gold

Data from Arcane Research’s latest weekly report notes that it has been a gloomy year for the “digital gold.” In the first three weeks of 2022, Bitcoin sank 25% and it is still down by 18% in the year despite its slight recovery.

Similarly, Nasdaq records a 19% decline in the year, having underperformed against bitcoin “by a small margin,” notes the report, adding that “This is surprising given that bitcoin has tended to follow Nasdaq, albeit with higher volatility.”

Vispārējās bailes par ģeopolitisko un makroekonomisko nenoteiktību atkal ir piešķīrušas zeltu kā drošu patvērumu. Aktīvs pārspēja visus citus zemāk redzamos indeksus ar 4% pieaugumu.

Physical gold outperforming “digital gold” in 2022 | Source: Arcane Research

Tikmēr valūtas tirgus darbojas ar "tiem pašiem riska samazināšanas modeļiem". Dolārs ir pierādījis savu “riska” dominējošo stāvokli, jo ASV dolāra indekss (DXY) pieaug par 7%. Ķīnas juaņa ir saņēmusi triecienu saistībā ar bažām par valsts “nulles-covid” politiku, kas rada problēmas globālajai piegādes ķēdei, un Ķīnas ekonomikas palēnināšanos. Turpretim investori drošības pēc ir meklējuši ASV dolāru.

Bitcoin supporters usually refer to the coin as “digital gold” alleging it is a safe haven asset, and this narrative had held well while BTC had been “uncorrelated with most other major asset classes,” but the tide is shifting with the 2022 scenario as investors are rather placing the coin “into the risk-on basket”.

A previous Arcane Research report indicated that bitcoin’s 30 -day correlation with the Nasdaq is revisiting July 2020 highs while its correlation with gold has reached all-time lows.

A pseudonym traded noted that “As Bitcoin adoption goes on and more institutional investors enter the market, the correlation of BTC and stocks becomes more and more tight. That is a paradigm that the crypto world struggled to come to terms with in the past but is now more real than ever. A healthy stock market is good for Bitcoin. "

Tikmēr kopējais tirgotāju noskaņojums šķiet lācīgs, jo daudzi saka, ka monēta drīzumā varētu sasniegt 30 XNUMX USD līmeni.

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