Bitcoin Резиме од 2022 година, 1-ви ден во ГА. Попладне: Тиел, Салинас, Кејзер, Малерс и повеќе

By Bitcoinist - пред 2 години - Време за читање: 5 минути

Bitcoin Резиме од 2022 година, 1-ви ден во ГА. Попладне: Тиел, Салинас, Кејзер, Малерс и повеќе

Време е за друг Bitcoin 2022 recap. That fateful afternoon, What Bitcoin Did’s Peter McCormack hosted. It contains the most talked-about panels and keynotes. We have the perspective of two billionaires, refugees, activists, a loudmouth journalist that may be a billionaire, and the Podcasting 2.0 pioneer. On top of that, the Jack Mallers’ announcement that could change the world.

Grab your popcorn and enjoy an evening of bitcoin hot takes. Things will heat up as soon as you start, so be prepared.

Табела со цени на БТК за 04/11/2022 година на Coinbase | Извор: БТК / УСД на

Bitcoin 2022 * Billionaires

„Воведен говор на Питер Тиел“ со Питер Тиел

The entrepreneur presentation starts with a video from 1999. A young Peter Thiel had recently released what would become PayPal and predicts the future of online payments with uncanny precision. It almost seems like he was talking about the emergence of bitcoin, which happened a decade later. That was the idea behind showing the video, so, Thiel’s presentation started with a bang.

It all went downhill from there. The billionaire explained the Velocity and Value spectrum, and qualified bitcoin as a store of value asset with low velocity. This would be fair if the Lightning Network didn’t exist, but it does. And it was one of the Bitcoin 2022 conference’s hot topics. 

Најлошиот став од целата конференција.

— calle (@callebtc) Април 8, 2022

The real blunder, though, was when he used Ethereum as the example of a high-velocity asset. First, this is a bitcoin conference. Second, Ethereum is not a payment network. Not by a long shot.

In any case, Thiel gained some ground back by saying that the benchmark for bitcoin shouldn’t be gold but equities, which is a much bigger market. He also said that the ESG complaints are an attack on bitcoin and the real enemy, and that “bitcoin is a revolutionary youth movement.”

Another interesting factoid is that, so far, his talk is the most popular of Bitcoin 2022’s individually posted ones. And here it is:

„Култот на централната банка: религија на Фиат“ со Рикардо Б. Салинас

The “third richest man in Mexico” was one of the conference’s hits. Ricardo Salinas connected with the audience, seems to understand bitcoin basics, and had the best slides. He claims that, despite the success, his whole family is a victim of the Fiat fraud. “The creation of fake credit has been astounding,” he said to an audience that understood exactly what he meant.

Земајќи страница од Џек Дорси, Салинас предупреди дека хиперинфлацијата доаѓа во САД. И, за CBDCs, рече тој, „тоа е уште полошо од доларот“.

Bitcoin 2022 * Activists

"Bitcoin is Freedom” со Јеонми Парк, Фарида Набурема, Фади Елсаламин и Алекс Гладштајн како домаќин.

best "why bitcoin" intro and panel I've seen

- Џек (@jack) Април 7, 2022

The BLOCK CEO qualified this one as the “best “why bitcoin” intro and panel I’ve seen.” In it, Yeonmi Park from North Korea informed us that in her country the people “don’t know what the Internet is” and the word “profit” is banned. If people manage to escape the country, they can’t take their wealth with them. And that’s where bitcoin доаѓа во.

For her part, Farida Nabourema, a Togolese Human Rights activist, brought back one of the conference’s hot topics: the CFA Franc and the “monetary colonialism” France has over 14 African countries. What do these countries have in common? Authoritarian regimes. The African people need monetary freedom, and that’s where bitcoin comes in. She also announced the African Bitcoin Conference in Ghana.

Last but not least, Fadi Elsalameen. The Palestinian anti-corruption advocate told us how the US, Israel, and the Palestinian government have control and oversight over every remittance payment that goes into Palestine. Guess what? That’s where bitcoin comes in. He also brought forth the idea of a bitcoin conference around those parts, but the project didn’t seem as advanced as the African one.

Bitcoin 2022 * Loudmouths

"Bitcoin is F*ck You Money” со Френсис Нгану и Адам Кари, водени од Макс Кизер.

Адам Кари, пионер во подкаст и Подкастинг 2.0 biggest advocate, hit the nail on the head. He said that bitcoin is not “f*ck you money” because of the purchasing power it gives you. It’s “f*ck you money” because you can send it to anyone without asking for permission. He urged people to take control of their money and put the Canadian truckers’ situation as an example. With ease, the government froze all donations for them освен за bitcoin оние. „Ако им се случи на слатките Канаѓани, може да му се случи на секого“, рече Кари.

For his part, Cameroonian mixed martial artist Francis Ngannou brought back the idea of money colonialism. According to him, in Sub-Saharan Africa, 70% of the population is unbanked. That’s where bitcoin comes in. With it, “you don’t need somebody’s blessing to have a bank account.” Ngannou is a bitcoin novice, but when they asked him about the orange coin he said, “The more you know, the more you like it.”

For his part, Max Keiser asked one of the best questions of the whole conference: Is Bitcoin causing the chaos in the world, or reacting to the chaos?

Bitcoin 2022 * Strike

„Кинота на Џек Малерс“ with Jack Mallers.

Извршниот директор на Strike ја нарече својата објава „Гамбитот на кралот“, бидејќи тоа е шаховски потег како ниеден друг. Беше толку револуционерно, што веќе го инспирираше ова овој член in Bitcoinist, and оваа in NewsBTC. Long story short, if the company’s gambit pays off, it will finally embed bitcoin into our daily lives. At least in the US, they’ll have access to bitcoin’s superior payment network.

On the one hand, his company partnered with Shopify for the e-commerce giant to accept payments via The Lightning Network. On the other, Strike partnered with Blackhawk and NCR to bring bitcoin payments to hundreds of thousands of Point-Of-Sale terminals in everyday businesses across the US. This includes hypermarkets, major stores, and every fast-food chain.

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Bitcoinе @ Bitcoin 2022 Мајами

Bitcoinќе биде во Bitcoin 2022 година Мајами во Мајами Бич, Флорида од 6-ти до 10-ти април известување во живо од шоуто и сродни настани. Проверете го ексклузивното покривање од најголемата светска конференција за БТК овде.

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