Elon Musk On Why Dogecoin Is Fundamentally Better Than Anything Else He Has Ever Seen

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Elon Musk On Why Dogecoin Is Fundamentally Better Than Anything Else He Has Ever Seen

Dogecoin оосорыг хамгийн хүчтэй татдаг хүн болох Тесла компанийг үндэслэгч Илон Маск анхны меме зоос нь түүний урьд өмнө байгаагүй бүх зүйлээс илүү сайн гэдгийг хүлээн зөвшөөрсөн.

Маск Dogecoin яагаад илүү сайн болохыг тайлбарлав

Elon Musk praised Dogecoin for the umpteenth time during his latest appearance on the Lex Fridman podcast. The South African-born tech magnate compared DOGE to Bitcoin, obviously favoring the former.

Musk argued that Dogecoin has a much higher transaction volume functionality compared to the most valuable cryptocurrency as well as significantly lower transaction costs. “Right now, if you want to do a Bitcoin transaction, the price of doing that transaction is very high so you could not use it effectively for most things, and nor could it even scale to high volume,” he said.

In other words, Dogecoin is a viable payment option — one that can routinely be used to purchase a cup of coffee — unlike Bitcoin. According to the Tesla chief, the small Bitcoin block size and a long synchronization time made sense back in 2008 owing to the poor internet infrastructure at the time. But in 2021, Bitcoin’s transaction speed is “comically slow”.

Дараа нь Маск Dogecoin-ийн инфляцийн нийлүүлэлт нь илүү олон хүнийг зоос хэрэглэхийг урамшуулж байгааг тэмдэглэв. Хэрэв хөрөнгө оруулагчид нийлүүлэлт хомс байгаагаас болж крипто хөрөнгийн үнэ цаг хугацаанд нь өснө гэж найдаж байгаа бол Теслагийн дарга үүнийг зарцуулахаас татгалзах болно гэж мэдэгджээ. Тийм ч учраас тэрээр Dogecoin-ийг "миний харсан бүхнээс илүү сайн, санамсаргүй байдлаар" гэж үздэг.

Earlier this month as Musk was named by Time Magazine as their 2021 person of the year, he reiterated that Dogecoin is a better substitute for transactional currency than Bitcoin, which most people would rather HODL as a store of value.

Is Dogecoin Really Much Better Suited For Tesla Than Bitcoin?

DOGE нь Шиба Ину догийн вирусын интернет меме дээр суурилсан хошигнол крипто төсөл болгон даруухан эхэлснээсээ хойш маш их замыг туулсан. Энэ жил алдартай компаниуд болон хүмүүс Dogecoin-ийг хүлээн зөвшөөрсөн боловч зоосыг өөрийн гэсэн цоо шинэ амьдралыг бий болгоход үндсэндээ тусалсан нь Элон Маск юм. 

Earlier this year, Tesla invested $1.5 billion into Bitcoin and even went further to accept it for payment on its electric cars. Just three months later, though, Tesla infamously u-turned on its decision, иш татсан Bitcoin’s electricity usage as a cause for concern. Experts in the crypto space were quick to highlight the fact that Dogecoin employs the same proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism as BTC, litecoin, and other cryptos. This means that the mining of the doggy-themed cryptocurrency consumes as much energy as that of bitcoin.

Yet, Musk зарлалаа this month that Tesla would begin accepting DOGE as payment for its merchandise on an experimental basis. It’s worth noting that the development team behind Dogecoin recently laid out its first-ever roadmap detailing an array of new exciting projects, including a possible jump to the energy-efficient proof-of-stake (PoS).

Dogecoin сонирхогчид Dogefather энэ удаад тэдний дуртай зоосыг эргүүлэхгүй гэж найдаж байна.

Лхагва гарагт DOGE 0.1691 ам. доллараар гараа сольсон нь крипто зах зээлийн борлуулалтын үеэр сүүлийн 7 цагийн дотор 24%-иар буурсан байна.

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