Тоглогчид өөр өөр стратеги тоглодог: Minecraft NFT-д үгүй ​​гэж хэлсэн бол Square Enix NFT төслөө танилцууллаа.

CryptoNews - 1 жилийн өмнө - Унших хугацаа: 1 минут

Тоглогчид өөр өөр стратеги тоглодог: Minecraft NFT-д үгүй ​​гэж хэлсэн бол Square Enix NFT төслөө танилцууллаа.

The popular sandbox video game Minecraft has banned non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and blockchain innovations from integrating with its platform. On the other hand, Japanese entertainment conglomerate Square Enix has announced its NFT project.
Mojang Studios, the Microsoft-owned developer behind Minecraft, announced Wednesday that the studio would not support NFTs and other blockchain innovations, citing fraud and digital exclusion....
Read More: Gamers Play Different Strategies: Minecraft Says No to NFTs, While Square Enix Unveils Its NFT Project

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