Өмнөд Солонгос LUNA сүйрлийн дараа Криптог зохицуулах агентлаг байгуулна

CryptoNews - 1 жилийн өмнө - Унших хугацаа: 1 минут

Өмнөд Солонгос LUNA сүйрлийн дараа Криптог зохицуулах агентлаг байгуулна

The South Korean government will step up the launch of a new regulatory body to police the crypto sector – and could fast-track its creation as a direct response to what it has dubbed the “terra (LUNA) incident.”
In an exclusive article, Newspim reported that the body, to be named the Digital Assets Committee (literal English translation), will be launched “as early as next month.”...
Read More: South Korea to Launch a Crypto Regulatory Agency in Wake of LUNA Crash

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