Twitter Expands Bitcoin Lightning Tips Feature For Android

By Bitcoinist - 2 жилийн өмнө - Унших хугацаа: 2 минут

Twitter Expands Bitcoin Lightning Tips Feature For Android

Твиттерт олон нийтийн мэдээллийн хэрэгсэл бий өргөтгөсөн өөрийн Bitcoin Lightning Tips feature for Android users. Launched in September 2021 for iOS only, the feature allows users to set up a BTC Lightning address to receive tips from their followers.

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As Bitcoinбайна мэдээлсэн a month ago, Twitter partnered with Jack Maller’s Strike lightning wallet to integrate Bitcoin with their app. At the moment, the payment company launched a Strike API platform to enable merchants to offer their products.

The social media giant claimed the following back in September when they took another step to propel Bitcoin into the mainstream:

Твиттерт байгаа бүх хүн цалин авахын тулд замтай болохыг хүсч байна. Илүү олон хүмүүсийг эдийн засагт оролцоход түлхэц болж, бие биенээ хил дамнуулан, аль болох үрэлт багатайгаар илгээхэд тусалдаг дижитал валютууд нь бидэнд тэнд хүрэхэд тусална.

In order to activate the feature, users need to access their profile and press the edit button. Later, they will find the tip option which they can turn on and link to one of the Bitcoin Lightning Network wallets. The app lets the users choose how they send their tips and their own providers.

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Зөвлөмжүүд одоо Android дээр байна!

Та өөрийн профайлаас зөвлөгөө авахаар тохируулж болно -– "Профайлыг засах" товчийг дараад "Зөвлөгөө" дээр дарж эхлүүлнэ үү.

- Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) Арваннэгдүгээр 18, 2021

Jack Dorsey And His Bitcoin Quest

Сошиал медиа платформ болон түүний гүйцэтгэх захирал Жак Дорси хэдэн жилийн турш БСТ-ийг дэмжигчид байсаар ирсэн. BTC нь hashtag ашиглахдаа өөрийн бэлгэдлийг хүлээн авсан анхны бөгөөд цорын ганц криптовалют байв. Наад зах нь, Дорси өөрөө тодорхойлсноор үүнийг үнэ төлбөргүй авдаг цорын ганц хүн юм.

The executive has undertaken several initiatives to support Bitcoin and its development via his companies. Square crypto, a division of Dorsey’s Square, frequently grants financial support to BTC core developers so they can continue their work.

In addition, Dorsey has funded many charities, non-profit organizations, and other projects with Bitcoin. In collaboration with legendary rapper Jay Z, Dorsey invested 500 BTC to create an endowment to offer the funds for BTC development in Africa and India.

More recently, Dorsey revealed an initiative to create a Bitcoin decentralized exchange (DEX) to expand adoption and allow everyone to have easier access to this cryptocurrency. The initiative recently published an 18 pages whitepaper and will release more details in the future.

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Хэвлэлийн цагийн байдлаар, Bitcoin (BTC) trades at $57,890 with sideways movement in the daily chart.

BTC bouncing off support in the 4-hour chart. Source: BTCUSD арилжааны тойм

Эх сурвалж: Bitcoinбайна