Bitcoin U Ir-Rebbiegħa Għarbija: Lezzjonijiet Għall-Kumunikazzjoni tar-Rivoluzzjonarji

By Bitcoin Magazine - 6 months ago - Ħin tal-Qari: 6 minuti

Bitcoin U Ir-Rebbiegħa Għarbija: Lezzjonijiet Għall-Kumunikazzjoni tar-Rivoluzzjonarji

Bitcoin is a Monetary Revolution

Bitcoin is not simply a new monetary tool, a new currency, or an additional asset class. I tell people that Bitcoin is a Monetary Revolution. The Bitcoin eco-system is full of innovations to bring value beyond simply price growth to new all-time-highs. You can say that the value proposition is built on the foundations of the ever-expanding benefits of the wonder-currency.

After my failed attempt to first invest in Bitcoin kmieni fix-2010, I found myself traveling and working in the Middle East, and Egypt in particular, later that year. Inadvertently, the events of the Rebbiegħa Għarbija in the region showed me how today the Social Layer of Bitcoin can be a powerful tool supporting Bitcoin adozzjoni.

Is-sena 2010 kienet il-qofol ta’ diversi żjarat li għamilt fir-reġjun matul is-snin ta’ qabel li ppermettewni niġbor grupp kbir ta’ ħbieb u kollegi fl-Eġittu. L-Eġittu huwa pajjiż impressjonanti bil-kbir li jospita kapital kbir. Il-Kajr hija l-ewwel metropoli tassew internazzjonali tad-dinja. B'xi mod l-għeġubijiet antiki tagħha jaħbu t-taħlita multinazzjonali u multikulturali tal-belt. Huwa ċentru finanzjarju, in-nies huma tal-għaġeb, faċli, u miftuħa għall-ideat. Hija l-ewwel melting pot tal-globu, wara li ġiet stabbilita bħala tali eluf ta 'snin qabel il-belt ta' New York ħolqot il-frażi. Sibt l-aktar ristoranti tas-sushi delizzjużi fil-Kajr, l-aqwa mango u l-aktar ħut frisk servut fuq ix-xatt tax-Xmara Nil miġjub mill-baħar ta’ Lixandra.

Unfortunately, underlying the ancient wonders there existed issues of poverty, political unease, and the impact from regional tensions. I was told that around 1/3rd of the population of Cairo’s approximately 20 million people had trouble feeding themselves daily. Bribes to public servants, while prevalent, were not really the wicked administrative corruption found in the Western world but occurred as a survival mechanism to enable people to simply earn enough money for their daily necessities. The brewing pot of concerns in Egypt and the region ignited the Arab Spring in late 2010 and early 2011.

Ir-Rwol tal-Midja Soċjali u s-Saff Soċjali

Meta nitkellmu Bitcoin adoption, we talk about expanding the understanding and knowledge of people. The Bitcoin eco-system is filled with start-ups offering both free and paid services to help the broader public become knowledgeable and comfortable enough to adopt it. Not only is understanding important, the ability for current users to interact and communicate among themselves with clarity and no noise is also vital.

Hekk kif ma Bitcoin adoption and the need for a supporting communication framework through the Social Layer, the role of Social Media was equally important in contributing to the events of the Arab Spring. Wikipedija stated that “In the wake of the Arab Spring protests, a considerable amount of attention focused on the role of social media and digital technologies in allowing citizens within areas affected by ‘the Arab Uprisings’ as a means for collective activism to circumvent state-operated media channels.”

Fl-2010 Facebook kien il-pjattaforma ta' min imur biex jipprova jikkomunika mingħajr ħsejjes fuq diversi suġġetti u jgħaqqad ma' koorti li jaħsbuha l-istess. Kienet l-għodda organizzattiva li twaqqaf Saff Soċjali usa’ appoġġjat minn WhatsApp u Tango, b’dawn tal-aħħar kienu l-app taċ-chat użata ewlenija madwar il-Lvant Nofsani f’dak iż-żmien u l-mekkaniżmu, flimkien ma’ telefonati diretti ta’ stil antik, li jien kont inżomm kuntatt mal-ħbieb u l-kollegi Eġizzjani tiegħi.


L-istorbju u s-Saff Soċjali

We all know about and have experienced email spam, fake accounts on various social media portals, and comments from influencers that are masked self-promotions. In the Bitcoin world, we often attribute such noise to the crypto-sphere with the all-to-often “free coin giveaway” promotions.

Noise, or white noise as was written about in the novel titled “Storbju White” by Don DeLillo in 1985 that won the U.S. National Book Award for Fiction, has haunted Bitcoiners for over a decade. This noise equally impaired efforts during the Arab Spring in allowing clear communication between people. It continues to impair Bitcoiners like myself today, if perhaps under less ominous circumstances.

A social experience or movement can only become an effective Social Layer when noise is lessened. Reducing or removing noise enables development of a usable and supportive Social Layer for Bitcoin.

Lessons for Bitcoinhom

Matul il-jiem tar-Rebbiegħa Għarbija, rapporti mill-midja prinċipali fir-reġjun ġew ikkontestati ħafna. Ir-reġjun ma jafdax id-diversi servizzi tal-aħbarijiet ibbażati fuq il-kejbil. Dan saħħaħ ir-rwol ta’ Saff Soċjali bħala l-mekkaniżmu biex jikkomunika u jaqsam fehmiet, ħsibijiet u pjanijiet. Għalija, spiss ippruvajt għalxejn inżomm aġġornat dwar l-avvenimenti u s-sigurtà tal-ħbieb tiegħi. Madankollu, is-sorsi tal-aħbarijiet ma kinux ċari, ħafna drabi konfliġġenti, u preġudikati. Ħadt dan kollu bi qamħ ta’ melħ u kelli mmur direttament lejn is-sorsi tal-art, jiġifieri chats ma’ sħabi permezz ta’ Tango, insegwi gruppi ta’ Facebook u permezz ta’ telefonati ta’ stil antik.

Like the noise I experience today when trying to understand and sort through information that is valuable and factual regarding Bitcoin, I experienced the same noise dilemma during the Arab Spring events.

Today I am frustrated when I read a report or see a Tweet commenting on the price of Bitcoin based on some influencer’s supposed “expertise”, only to then find over the next few weeks that Bitcoin rallies to a near-term high. I recall one specific Tweet, just as when Bitcoin hit its recent cycle low, saying that “we should all expect it to hit $10,000.” I am not a trader of Bitcoin but get upset when this type of noise is spread. I also get irritated when I am contacted by someone implying that they are a Bitcoiner only to find out that they just want to connect within the realm of the dating-world and don’t even know how to spell hodl. Back during the Arab Spring, I was equally frustrated when phone calls to colleagues dropped unexpectedly, messages via Tango were cryptic and the Facebook accounts of friends were blocked. With frustration the questions I sent were often unanswered: “Was that you on TV at the march?” “Is your area of Cairo blocked off?”

While today I can say that noise in the Bitcoin world is more of an unreasonable annoyance, to my friends in Egypt noise was a matter of personal well-being or even life-and-death. Social Media then was the means for mobilization and action, a Social Layer. Today the Social Layer of Bitcoin is the mechanism for pursuing further adoption. We are all certainly irritated today when some social media giants block or restrict accounts that discuss Bitcoin. However, can you imagine what it felt like to my Egyptian friends back in 2011 when they could not access their perceived noise-free gateways to understand what their future would hold?

Ir-Rivoluzzjoni Monetarja tiltaqa' mar-Rivoluzzjoni tas-Saff Soċjali

I have experienced that “Noise” is the adversary of freedom. It impaired my Egyptian friends from effectively supporting their desired national transformation. It also impairs my support for Bitcoin and its Monetary Revolution. A strong Social Layer provides feeling, context and motivation. Just as I felt the angst of my friends day-to-day as they experienced the uncertainties of the Arab Spring, I feel disappointment when I seek to find rigorous and valuable connections in the Bitcoin space that only result in wasted time and false relations. From my first investment in Bitcoin I have supported the development of its echo-system and simultaneously support the role-out of a deep Social Layer so that there can be Less Noise but More Signal.

What I have learned from my experience is that the Social Layer of Bitcoin is creating a Social Revolution for the asset. We need to disrupt old modes of communication to assure and protect the ability for real human interaction among Bitcoiners that is not impaired by noise. I don’t want to have my life’s Bitcoin connections held ransom to the whims of whom I meet only randomly. I am taking the seeds of what I learned from the time during the Arab Spring and planting them today in Bitcoin’s Social Layer. Stronger relationships will help to build a stronger Bitcoin.

Din hija post mistieden minn Munita Enza. L-opinjonijiet espressi huma kompletament tagħhom u mhux neċessarjament jirriflettu dawk ta 'BTC Inc jew Bitcoin Magazine.

Sors oriġinali: Bitcoin Magazine