Crypto Expert Tbassir Rally Maġġuri tas-Suq tal-Borża tal-Istati Uniti, X'Ifisser Għalih Bitcoin

By Bitcoinist - 3 xhur ilu - Ħin tal-Qari: 3 minuti

Crypto Expert Tbassir Rally Maġġuri tas-Suq tal-Borża tal-Istati Uniti, X'Ifisser Għalih Bitcoin

Vance Spencer, co-founder of the crypto firm Framework Ventures, has recently esprimew a strong forecast for the US stock market, hinting at the onset of a potential bull market. In a message on X (formerly Twitter), Spencer highlighted a significant shift in investment trends.

The co-founder of the crypto firm Framework Ventures revealed that this change in investment patterns could spell a potential surge in the US stock market.

Espert Crypto Tbassar li l-Borża tal-Istati Uniti lesta Għal Bull Run

Spencer irrimarka l-eżistenza ta '$ 6 triljun f'bills tat-Teżor tal-Istati Uniti, u tbassar li porzjon sostanzjali ta' dawn il-fondi dalwaqt se jemigraw lejn l-istokk tas-suq. Dan il-moviment, jemmen, se jkun ikkawżat minn mument kruċjali - l-indiċi S&P 500 jolqot l-ogħla livell ġdid.

Skont Spencer, l-indiċi huwa biss 0.5% mistħoqq minn dan il-punt ta’ referenza, u ladarba jintlaħaq, jista’ jimmarka l-bidu ta’ fażi bullish ġdida għall-istokk tas-suq.

Spencer’s prediction appears to be grounded in the psychological impact of market movements on investors. The fear of missing out (FOMO) on a surging stock is expected to drive investors to reallocate their treasury bills into equities.

Skont Spencer, din ir-riallokazzjoni mhix biss sempliċi bidla tal-assi iżda rispons għat-torment ikkawżat billi ma tkunx allokata waqt rally tas-suq. "Il-flus iridu jiċċirkolaw," huwa enfasizza, li jissuġġerixxi antiċipazzjoni mifruxa ta 'opportunitajiet ta' qligħ fis-suq li qed jiżdied.

$6 triljun issa qegħdin f't-bills

ladarba l-S&P 500 tolqot ATH ġdid (huwa <.5% 'l bogħod), se jkun hemm rikonoxximent li qegħdin f'suq barri ġdid

huwa diffiċli li wieħed iwassal kif ma jiġix allokat waqt li s-suq imur għal ATHs ġodda jitturmenta lin-nies - il-flus iridu jiċċirkolaw

- Vance Spencer (@pythianism) Jannar 14, 2024

X'Ifisser Għal Bitcoin

The ramifications of a thriving US stock market extend beyond conventional stocks. Spencer’s forecast aligns with recent developments in the crypto space, particularly the growing institutional interest in Bitcoin.

The approval of several post Bitcoin Fondi Negozjati b'Kambju (ETFs) in the US marks a significant milestone, linking the crypto market with the broader stock market trends. An upswing in the stock market will likely positively influence these spot Bitcoin ETFs, enhancing their appeal and potentially boosting BTC prices.

Dan jista 'jiġri b'diversi modi, inkluż żieda fil-fiduċja tal-investituri, diversifikazzjoni f'assi alternattivi, perċezzjoni tal-istabbiltà tas-suq, tendenzi ta' korrelazzjoni, u sentimenti pożittivi tas-suq.

Echoing the influence of spot Bitcoin ETFs in the BTC market, Michael Van de Poppe, a renowned market analyst, has shed light on this interplay. He jispjega that as institutional funds flow into spot Bitcoin ETFs, the demand and, consequently, the price of these funds are expected to rise.

This price movement is a barometer of market sentiment and investor interest. Spot ETF issuers, in response to increasing demand, must maintain adequate Bitcoin reserves as collateral, thereby fueling further demand for Bitcoin.

Van de Poppe anticipates that investiment istituzzjonali through spot ETFs could channel an estimated $200 billion into Bitcoin, potentially impacting the crypto’s market price.

Immaġini dehru minn Unsplash, Ċart minn TradingView

Sors oriġinali: Bitcoinhuwa