Analyst Predicts Big Rallies for ‘Undervalued’ Altcoin, Says Bitcoin Trading at Critical Do-or-Die Level

Minn The Daily Hodl - 2 snin ilu - Ħin tal-Qari: 2 minuti

Analyst Predicts Big Rallies for ‘Undervalued’ Altcoin, Says Bitcoin Trading at Critical Do-or-Die Level

A prominent crypto trader says he’s expecting significant moves from one altcoin before weighing in on Bitcoin’s fate in the wake of a sudden BTC price pullback.

The pseudonymous Inmortal tells his Telegram subscribers that the chart looks good for ATOM, the native token of the interoperable blockchain network Cosmos.


I love this chart [right now].

Clean deviation after retest daily demand and relevant swing point.

Range low tested, range high at $48 is next.”

sors: Inmortal/Telegram

Ġo tweet presenting the chart above, Inmortal concludes by saying,

“ATOM is undervalued.”

Fil-ħin tal-kitba, ATOM is exchanging hands at $32.20, up over 20% on the week but still down from its September all-time high of $44.73.

Inmortal next looks at Bitcoin, which recently tumbled from a new high above $69,000 to below $56,000. His Tbassir for the top crypto is clear.

"Agħmel jew imutu."

sors: Inmortali / Twitter

Il-kummerċjant plottijiet barra a possible BTC rally where $61,000 is a key breakout level.

“Dream scenario IF we reclaim 61k.”

sors: Inmortali / Twitter

Bitcoin bħalissa huwa pprezzat għal $ 57,076.

Inmortal wraps up his crypto analysis by looking at leading altcoin Ethereum. The trader jaħseb ETH is on the cusp of overtaking Bitcoin in terms of market cap, which is referred to colloquially as “the flippening.”

“Flippening is just a matter of time.”

sors: Inmortali / Twitter

Fil-ħin tal-kitba, ETH is priced at $4,291, and its $512.6 billion market cap is about half of Bitcoin’s, which is valued at over $1 trillion.

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Immaġni Dehru: Shutterstock/S-Design1689/Sensvector

Il-post Analyst Predicts Big Rallies for ‘Undervalued’ Altcoin, Says Bitcoin Trading at Critical Do-or-Die Level deher l-ewwel fuq Il-Hodl ta' Kuljum.

Sors oriġinali: Il-Hodl ta' Kuljum