Qed Jirritornaw L-Assi Crypto ta' Kap Żgħir A Sinjali Riskju Aptit?

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Qed Jirritornaw L-Assi Crypto ta' Kap Żgħir A Sinjali Riskju Aptit?

The crypto market just saw some slight recovery, but the performances are upside down. Opposite to the way sellouts usually play out, the Bitcoin dominance dropped dramatically as the asset is underperforming the Small Cap index.

Mill-limitu tas-suq ta' $3 triljun ta' Novembru li għadda, is-suq tal-kripto issa niżel għal madwar $800 biljun:

Crypto total market cap down to $879.871 billion in the daily chart | Source: TradingView.com Smaller Altcoins Make A Strong Comeback

Last week the crypto market saw its bottom, followed now by some slight recovery. As per Arcane Research’s latest weekly report, the smaller altcoins have also been seeing red numbers with the Small Cap index shedding 27%, but it has been the best performer overall.

B'kuntrast, Bitcoin had dropped 35%. Through this small window of relief during June, we have seen the blue-chip coin underperform all other indexes.

Bitcoin underperforms all crypto indexes in June | Source: Arcane Research

Bħala riżultat, id-dominanza ta 'BTC fis-suq waqgħet -1,51% din il-ġimgħa għal 43,5% filwaqt li Ether waqa' -0,31. Dan tal-aħħar ilu jonqos minn Mejju minn 19.5% għal 15%.

Bitcoin dominance sees a big decline while altcoins take the lead | Source: Arcane Research What’s Making This Crypto Winter Colder

Ir-rapport jinnota li l-mutur ewlieni ta 'dan il-ħabta kripto kien il-kollass tal-hedge fund Three Arrow Capital (3AC). Wara li investiet aktar minn $ 200 miljun fil-bejgħ tat-tokens tal-Gwardja tal-Fondazzjoni Luna, il-likwidità ta '3AC spiċċat tinħass u s-sejħa tal-marġni tagħha kienet l-aħħar tiben għas-suq diġà taħt pressjoni.

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As per the Wall Street Journal, the crypto hedge fund hired legal and financial advisers to help work out a solution for its investors and lenders. The firm is looking for a way out, “including asset sales and a rescue by another firm”. The prognostic is not very positive at the moment, seeing the wave of liquidations and mitigations of losses by crypto exchanges that have followed the collapse.

"Aħna ma konniex l-ewwel li ntlaqtu...Dan kien kollu parti mill-istess kontaġju li affettwa ħafna ditti oħra," Kyle Davies, il-ko-fundatur ta '3AC, qal f'intervista.

Arcane Research spjegat li "F'perjodi ta 'insolvenza, il-kredituri jħallu l-aktar assi likwidi l-ewwel, li x'aktarx hija l-kawża ewlenija tal-prestazzjoni baxxa relattiva ta' BTC u ETH fl-aħħar ġimgħa."

Ir-rapport iżid li "l-altcoins mhux likwidi huma aktar ta 'sfida biex ibiegħu fid-daqs, partikolarment waqt iż-żminijiet ta' pressjoni, li jispjega għaliex muniti iżgħar esperjenzaw pressjoni ta 'bejgħ inqas eċċessiva fl-aħħar ġimgħa".

Meanwhile, Microstrategy CEO Michael Saylor described the events around this winter as a “parade of horribles” in which the consequences of lack of regulation in the crypto field have made it possible for wash trading and cross-collateralized altcoins to weigh down on Bitcoin.

“What you have is a $400 billion cloud of opaque, unregistered securities trading without full and fair disclosure, and they are all cross-collateralized with Bitcoin".

"Il-pubbliku ġenerali m'għandux ikun qed jixtri titoli mhux reġistrati minn bankiera selvaġġa li jistgħu jew ma jistgħux ikunu hemm il-Ħamis li ġej," żied Saylor, waqt li qata' fuq il-kollass riċenti u jissuġġerixxi li azzjonijiet futuri mir-regolaturi jistgħu jipprevjenu l-livell ta 'volatilità li BTC huwa issa jesperjenzaw.

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