Binance Launches New Platform for VIP and Institutional Crypto Investors

By - 1 sena ilu - Ħin tal-Qari: 2 minuti

Binance Launches New Platform for VIP and Institutional Crypto Investors

Skambju kripto Binance has launched a new platform for VIP and institutional investors. The VIP program allows Binance users to “get rewarded with more discounts and VIP privileges” as their trading volume climbs up VIP tiers.

"Binance Institutional’ Launched

Skambju globali tal-kripto-munita Binance announced Thursday the launch of “Binance Istituzzjonali,” a new platform for VIP and institutional cryptocurrency investors. It is one of Binance’s efforts “to upgrade its institutional offerings and services,” the exchange said.

Binance Institutional’s services are tailored for all types of institutions, its website describes. They include asset managers, brokers, hedge funds, family offices, proprietary trading firms, liquidity providers, high net worth individuals, and mining companies.

Il-pjattaforma l-ġdida toffri għadd ta’ servizzi, inkluż aċċess dirett għal-likwidità OTC, ġestjoni tal-assi, kustodja, u senserija.

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ) commented:

Is-servizzi ta’ senserija huma f’pożizzjoni tajba biex jgħinu lill-industrija tagħna tgħaqqad xi wħud mill-lakuni bejn il-kripto u s-swieq finanzjarji tradizzjonali u jmexxu tkabbir kontinwu tal-assi diġitali.

The VIP program allows users to “get rewarded with more discounts and VIP privileges” as their trading volume climbs up VIP tiers, Binance explained. VIP privileges include fee discounts and higher 24-hour withdrawal limits.

L-iskambju joffri disa 'saffi VIP. VIP għandu jkollu volum ta' kummerċ ta' 30 jum ta' mill-inqas miljun BUSD u bilanċ ta' mill-inqas 1 BNB. VIP ta 'livell disa' għandu volum ta 'kummerċ ta' 30 jum ta 'mill-inqas 5 biljun BUSD u a BNB bilanċ ta’ mill-inqas 5,500.

Sadanittant, il-Kummissjoni tat-Titoli u l-Kambju tal-Istati Uniti (SEC) hija rrappurtata Tinvestiga Binance'S BNB token, li jallega li jista' jkun sigurtà mhux irreġistrata.

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Sors oriġinali: Bitcoin. Bil