Bitcoin (BTC) Se Jfarrku kemm il-Kap tas-Suq tal-Fidda kif ukoll tad-Deheb, Skont Crypto Analyst - Hawn il-Kronoloġija Tiegħu

Minn The Daily Hodl - 7 xhur ilu - Ħin tal-Qari: 2 minuti

Bitcoin (BTC) Se Jfarrku kemm il-Kap tas-Suq tal-Fidda kif ukoll tad-Deheb, Skont Crypto Analyst - Hawn il-Kronoloġija Tiegħu

A popular crypto analyst says that Bitcoin (BTC) will soon unseat gold and silver as the world’s leading safe haven assets.

Fil-ġdid vidjo, the anonymous host of the YouTube channel InvestAnswers tells his 447,000 subscribers that the price of Bitcoin cannot be easily manipulated unlike those of the precious metals.

“People have been worried a lot and I’ve answered so many questions about whether the paper versions of gold and Bitcoin can change their real-world prices. Can paper Bitcoin put a lid on price so the price doesn’t go up?  The problem is there’s a big difference between Bitcoin u deheb.  

For gold, it’s impossible to know if there is a gold backing to the paper that exists, which makes things very risky. On the other hand with Bitcoin, huwa ħafna aktar faċli li tipprova u tiċċekkja u tagħmilha ferm aktar affidabbli.”

The analyst says silver is no longer a safe haven and the transparency of Bitcoin in terms of prices could lead to the leading cryptocurrency outperforming gold, which could happen within a decade.

“Emmnuni, insa l-20 vantaġġ l-oħra li Bitcoin għandu fuq id-deheb. jien nemmen Bitcoin will smash gold performance over the next 8 to 10 years because you can verify.  Therefore, I know a lot of people are worried about paper and manipulation by the JPMorgans and the BlackRocks of the world but they can’t because it can be so easily verified.”


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Il-post Bitcoin (BTC) Se Jfarrku kemm il-Kap tas-Suq tal-Fidda kif ukoll tad-Deheb, Skont Crypto Analyst - Hawn il-Kronoloġija Tiegħu deher l-ewwel fuq Il-Hodl ta' Kuljum.

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