Bitcoin Death Cross 2022: X'Għandek Tkun Taf Dwar Is-Sinjal Fatali

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Bitcoin Death Cross 2022: X'Għandek Tkun Taf Dwar Is-Sinjal Fatali

All across crypto, fear is in the air. Not only is the market shaken from the recent downtrend, but there’s an extra layer of doom and gloom due to an impending “death cross” in Bitcoin.

Learn all about the ominous sounding crossover of two commonly watched moving averages, what the signal could mean, and how Bitcoin price has reacted in the past.

The "death cross" is nigh | Source: BTCUSD on Does The Bitcoin Death Cross Mean Doom And Gloom For Crypto?

Bitcoin price on daily BTCUSD charts is only days away from completing a “death cross.” According to Investopedia, “a death cross is a technical chart pattern indicating the potential for a major sell-off.” It occurs when a short-term moving average (in this case the 50-day MA) crosses below a long-term moving average (the 200-day MA).

The signal tells investors that the asset’s growth has slowed and is showing potential of a bear trend. Long-term price depreciation is possible. However, in Bitcoin, things don’t always behave the way they should.

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Madwar tmien slaleb tal-mewt totali fl-ewwel munita kripto li qatt, il-waqgħa medja fi żmien xahar mis-salib hija biss 25% (h/t Dan permezz TonyTradesBTC) - puny mill-istandards kripto.

The opposite signal, golden crosses, also don’t always have a positive impact, either. In fact, Bitcoin price is lower now today than it was when the last golden cross triggered.

The history of death and golden crosses in emoji | Source: BTCUSD on Data Shows Whether Or Not You Should Fear The Reaper

Crossovers bħal dawn, ħafna drabi jintużaw biex iħawdu s-suq matul il-fażijiet ta 'konsolidazzjoni. Qabel it-tbegħid tal-barrin tal-2020, kien hemm żewġ slaleb tal-mewt u żewġ slaleb tad-deheb. Salib wieħed tal-mewt notevoli f'Ottubru 2019 irriżulta f'sinjal ta 'pompa ta' 42% il-jum ta 'qabel.

Minkejja s-saħħa, l-azzjoni tal-prezz ġiet miċħuda lura għal livelli baxxi ġodda, biss għal salib tad-deheb, salib tal-mewt, imbagħad salib tad-deheb mill-ġdid. Qabel il-ġirja tal-barri 2016-2017, kien hemm ukoll fakeout simili - murija fil-kaxxa ħadra.

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Prior to the 2014-2015 bear market, however, there was a death cross, golden cross, back into a death cross fakeout that closely mimics the situation brewing in Bitcoin right now in the red box.

Another such example could result in a renewed bear phase. But the data otherwise shows that the “death cross” is not a reaper you need to fear.

How will #Bitcoin . React to the “death cross”

— NEWSBTC (@newsbtc) January 12, 2022

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