Bitcoin's Big Breakout: Dan il-mudell Bullish Sinjali Żieda Imminenti fil-Prezzi

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Bitcoin's Big Breakout: Dan il-mudell Bullish Sinjali Żieda Imminenti fil-Prezzi

Market analysts have recently observed a notable pattern in Bitcoin price chart, potentially signaling a shift in the market trend. Jake Wujastyk, a prominent market analyst, has particularly enfasizzat the emergence of an inverse head and shoulders pattern on Bitcoin’s daily candle chart.

This pattern, coupled with Bitcoin’s closing price above a significant “volume shelf” signals an imminent upward trajectory għall Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Surge On The Horizon

Fl-analiżi teknika, mudell invers tar-ras u l-ispallejn huwa tradizzjonalment interpretat bħala sinjal bullish. Huwa kkaratterizzat minn żewġ qċaċet aktar baxxi (spallejn) fuq kull naħa ta 'wied 'l isfel (ras). It-tlestija ta 'dan il-mudell iseħħ meta l-prezz jinkiser 'il fuq mil-livell ta' reżistenza, magħruf bħala l-"għonq."

In Bitcoin’s case, this neckline also aligns with a ‘volume shelf,’ as Wujastyk indicates, a price level where many contracts have previously been traded, indicating strong support or resistance.

#Bitcoin Inverse head & shoulders fuq il-grafika tax-xemgħa ta 'kuljum hekk kif il-prezz għalaq fuq l-ixkaffa tal-volum illum. $ BTCUSD # Ċripto

—Jake Wujastyk (@Jake__Wujastyk) Frar 2, 2024

As Bitcoin’s price currently sits above the critical level of $43,000 up by 4.7% in the past week, it suggests a growing momentum among buyers, hinting at a potential uptrend. Fil-ħin tal-kitba, Bitcoin has seen a 2.1% increase in its price over the past 24 hours, reaching $43,144.

This price movement occurs against a backdrop of fluctuating daily trading volumes, which have decreased from over $25 billion to below $20 billion in a day.

Notably, this pattern’s emergence is particularly noteworthy as Bitcoin options are set to expire, with 22,000 BTC options nearing their expiry date. These options have a Put Call Ratio of 0.66, a Maxpain point of $42,000, and a notional value of $960 million, as per data mill-Griegi ħajjin.

Għall-kuntest, il-Put Call Ratio huwa indikatur ewlieni fil-kummerċ tal-għażliet, li jirrappreżenta n-numru ta 'opzjonijiet put relattiv għall-għażliet tas-sejħa. Proporzjon aktar baxx jissuġġerixxi sentiment bullish, peress li jindika aktar għażliet ta 'sejħa (imħatri fuq iż-żieda fil-prezz) qed jiġu nnegozjati meta mqabbla ma' għażliet put (imħatri fuq il-prezz li jonqos).

Xejriet tas-Suq U Antiċipazzjoni għat-Tnaqqis bin-nofs tal-BTC

The broader crypto market, including Ethereum (ETH) options, is also approaching expiration. 230,000 ETH options are set to expire, with a Put Call Ratio of 0.33, a Maxpain point of $2,300, and a notional value of $530 million. These figures suggest a more bullish outlook for Ethereum compared to Bitcoin.

Barra minn hekk, skont GreekLive, is-suq ra attività mrażżna reċentement, kemm il-volatilità realizzata (RV) kif ukoll il-volatilità impliċita (IV) tendenza aktar baxxa għall-kripto-muniti ewlenin.

Feb. 2 Options Data 22,000 BTC options are about to expire with a Put Call Ratio of 0.66, a Maxpain point of $42,000 and a notional value of $960 million. 230,000 ETH options are about to expire with a Put Call Ratio of 0.33, a Maxpain point of $2,300 and a notional value of…

— (@GreeksLive) Frar 2, 2024

However, introducing Bitcoin spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs) is beginning to attract incremental capital to the crypto market, compensating for the slowdown in grayscale sell-off. Meanwhile, the anticipation around Bitcoin’s halving event, scheduled for April 2024, is creating a buzz in the market.

A recent survey by Bitget indicates a bullish sentiment among investors regarding the upcoming Bitcoin halving. 84% of respondents globally believe that Bitcoin will exceed its all-time high of $69,000 in the next bull run.

Predictions for Bitcoin’s price during the tnaqqas bin-nofs are varied, with over half expecting it to be between $30,000 and $60,000, while about 30% foresee it is surpassing $60,000.

Immaġini dehru minn Unsplash, Ċart minn TradingView

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