BlackRock Debuts Private Bitcoin Trust Giving Wealthy Clients Direct Access to Bitcoin

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BlackRock Debuts Private Bitcoin Trust Giving Wealthy Clients Direct Access to Bitcoin

The world’s largest asset manager just launched a private trust that tracks the performance of Bitcoin (BTC) for wealthy clients.

In a statement, BlackRock says that the spot Bitcoin private trust will cater to institutional clients in the United States.

The financial titan rolls out the new product as it aims to expand its investment opportunity offerings.

BlackRock says that its clients in crypto are primarily interested in Bitcoin. The firm also commends organizations such as the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) and Energy Web (EWT) that help indirizz the king coin’s energy sustainability issue.

The firm, which currently holds $10 trillion in assets under management (AUM), is pursuing crypto projects amid a bear market that saw Bitcoin plunge to less than a third of its all-time high.

"Minkejja t-tnaqqis qawwi fis-suq tal-assi diġitali, għadna qed naraw interess sostanzjali minn xi klijenti istituzzjonali dwar kif naċċessaw dawn l-assi b'mod effiċjenti u kosteffettiv bl-użu tat-teknoloġija u l-kapaċitajiet tal-prodott tagħna."

The company recently teamed up with US-based crypto exchange Coinbase to help wealthy investors manage and trade BTC.

“Leveraging Coinbase’s comprehensive trading, custody, prime brokerage and reporting capabilities, common clients will be able to manage their bitcoin exposures alongside their public and private investments.”

According to ARK Invest founder Cathie Wood, BlackRock’s foray into the crypto space could potentially doppju il-prezz ta ' Bitcoin.

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  Ċaħda: Opinjonijiet espressi f'The Daily Hodl mhumiex pariri dwar l-investiment. L-investituri għandhom jagħmlu d-diliġenza dovuta tagħhom qabel ma jagħmlu kwalunkwe investiment f'riskju għoli Bitcoin, kripto-munita jew assi diġitali. Jekk jogħġbok kun avżat li t-trasferimenti u l-kummerċ tiegħek huma għar-riskju tiegħek, u kwalunkwe telf li jista 'jkollok huwa r-responsabbiltà tiegħek. The Daily Hodl ma jirrakkomandax ix-xiri jew il-bejgħ ta ’xi kripto-muniti jew assi diġitali, u lanqas The Daily Hodl mhu konsulent dwar l-investiment. Jekk jogħġbok innota li The Daily Hodl tipparteċipa fil-marketing affiljat.

Immaġni Dehru: Shutterstock/eliahinsomnia

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