Breaking: Binance Shocks Employees With Sudden Layoffs – What’s Next For The Crypto Giant?

By Bitcoinist - 11 xhur ilu - Ħin tal-Qari: 2 minuti

Breaking: Binance Shocks Employees With Sudden Layoffs – What’s Next For The Crypto Giant?

Binance, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, has allegedly initiated a round of layoffs, skond lil sorsi li tkellmu mar-reporter Ċiniż Colin Wu, li jmexxi l-kont Twitter popolari WuBlockchain iffukat fuq blockchain.

Sorsi multipli kkonfermaw lil WuBlockchain li l-iskambju beda jkeċċi l-impjegati, għalkemm il-proporzjon tas-sensji għadu inċert. B'total irrappurtat ta 'madwar 8,000 impjegat, xnigħat jissuġġerixxu li l-proporzjon ta' sensji f'Ġunju kien madwar 20%.

Binance In Crisis?

Skont Colin Wu, il-pjan ta 'kumpens għall-impjegati affettwati se jiġi fformulat abbażi ta' sitwazzjonijiet differenti f'postijiet differenti. Madankollu, ta 'min jinnota li xi dipartimenti għadhom qed irrappurtati qed ikomplu jirreklutaw.

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The exact reasons behind the reported layoffs at Binance are currently unclear, but several factors may have contributed to the decision. The poor overall market conditions in the cryptocurrency industry may have played a role, as many major cryptocurrencies have experienced significant price declines in recent months.

This can have a ripple effect on the industry as a whole, leading to decreased trading volumes and reduced revenue for exchanges such as Binance.

Another possible factor could be the company’s rapid expansion in recent years. Binance has been aggressively expanding its operations, launching new products and services, and expanding into new markets.

Filwaqt li din l-espansjoni għenet lill-kumpanija ssir waħda mill-akbar atturi fl-industrija tal-kripto-munita, setgħet wasslet ukoll għal żieda fl-ispejjeż ġenerali u l-ħtieġa li tiġi ristrutturata l-organizzazzjoni.

Ta ’min jinnota dan Binance has faced regulatory challenges from various jurisdictions, which could have contributed to the decision to initiate layoffs. In recent years, regulators in the UK and Japan have issued warnings to the platform.

Barra minn hekk, l-iskambju ffaċċjat skrutinju minn regolaturi f'pajjiżi oħra, inkluż l-Istati Uniti, fejn il-Kummissjoni tat-Titoli u l-Kambju (SEC) ilha twaqqaf il-kumpaniji tal-kripto-munita.

The SEC’s continuous crackdown in the United States shows no signs of slowing down in 2023, which could be a contributing factor in Binance’s decision to lay off employees.

Barra minn hekk, kif irrappurtat minn Bitcoinhuwa on May 30, the South Korean government has suggested the implementation of real-time surveillance for the freezing of funds on Binance. The proposal comes as part of the country’s efforts to strengthen its regulatory oversight of the cryptocurrency industry.

According to reports, the proposal was made by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) during a meeting with representatives from Binance. The FSC reportedly suggested that the exchange implement real-time surveillance technology to detect and freeze any funds that may be associated with illegal activity, such as money laundering or terrorist financing.

Mill-ħin tal-istampa, Binance has not issued any official statement regarding the layoffs. And it is unclear which departments are affected by the job cuts, or how many employees will be impacted.

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Sors oriġinali: Bitcoinhuwa