Jim Cramer ta' CNBC Iwissi li XRP, Cardano, Dogecoin u Polygon Jistgħu Kollassaw, Jgħid li mhux tard wisq biex ibiegħu

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Jim Cramer ta' CNBC Iwissi li XRP, Cardano, Dogecoin u Polygon Jistgħu Kollassaw, Jgħid li mhux tard wisq biex ibiegħu

CNBC host Jim Cramer thinks crypto investors should immediately unload their positions before prices drop even lower.

The television personality says investors still have time to sell their holdings and shouldn’t be tricked by the market caps of crypto assets, according to a CNBC tirrapporta.

"Ma tistax sempliċement tħabbat lilek innifsek u tgħid, 'ħej, huwa tard wisq biex tbigħ." Il-verità hi, qatt mhu tard wisq biex tbigħ pożizzjoni orribbli, u dak hu li għandek jekk għandek dawn l-hekk imsejħa assi diġitali.”

Cramer specifically mentions that XRP, the smart contract platform Cardano (ADA), the memecoin Dogecoin (DOGE), and the blockchain scaling solution Polygon (MATIKA) all could plummet in price further, even all the way to zero.

He’s also suspicious of the largest stablecoin, Tether (USDT).

“Tether, a so-called stablecoin that’s supposed to be kinda-sorta pegged to the dollar, still has a $65 billion market cap… There’s still a whole industry of crypto boosters trying desperately to keep all of these things up in the air – not too different from what happened with bad stocks during the dot-com collapse.”

Tether is trading at $1.00 at time of writing, though it briefly dropped to around $0.978 in early November, amid the collapse of the now-bankrupt crypto exchange FTX.

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/huangyailah488

Il-post Jim Cramer ta' CNBC Iwissi li XRP, Cardano, Dogecoin u Polygon Jistgħu Kollassaw, Jgħid li mhux tard wisq biex ibiegħu deher l-ewwel fuq Il-Hodl ta' Kuljum.

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