Altcoin Ibbażat fuq il-Cosmos Jisfida l-Ħbit Crypto, Żieda Kważi 40% Din il-Ġimgħa F'nofs Sħubiji Ġodda

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Altcoin Ibbażat fuq il-Cosmos Jisfida l-Ħbit Crypto, Żieda Kważi 40% Din il-Ġimgħa F'nofs Sħubiji Ġodda

An altcoin built on interoperable blockchain Cosmos Network (ATOM) is surging despite the latest crypto market doldrums.

The native crypto asset of smart contract platform OKX Chain (X'ĦIN) has seen a significant price increase in the last seven days as it inks new partnerships, defying the latest bear market sparked by the downfall of prominent crypto exchange platform FTX.

OKT, an Ethereum (ETH) Virtual Machine (EVM)-compatible layer-1 protocol built on Cosmos, rallied from a low of $19.54 on December 10th to a weekly high of $27.28 on December 16th, marking a 39.61% surge in less than seven days.

The altcoin has given up some of its gains and is trading at $24.32 at time of writing.

The 77th-ranked crypto asset by market cap recently announced a host of new collaborations with other digital assets and crypto firms, including the eco-friendly proof-of-stake meme asset Chihuahua Chain (HUAHUA), social crypto gaming network Candy Club, decentralized crypto exchange (DEX) network Lovely Swap, and market analytics protocol Nansen.

Investors can now trasferiment HUAHUA and OKT between the Chihuahua Chain and the OKX Chain, and use OKT tokens to play over 677 Candy Club games. Investors can also buy, sell and kummerċ OKT on the Lovely Swap decentralized crypto exchange and keep track of their OKT holdings on Nansen.

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/archy13/WindAwake

Il-post Altcoin Ibbażat fuq il-Cosmos Jisfida l-Ħbit Crypto, Żieda Kważi 40% Din il-Ġimgħa F'nofs Sħubiji Ġodda deher l-ewwel fuq Il-Hodl ta' Kuljum.

Sors oriġinali: Il-Hodl ta' Kuljum