Fourth-Largest Ethereum Whale Pounces on Large-Cap Altcoin, Accumulating $580,000,000 in Crypto

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Fourth-Largest Ethereum Whale Pounces on Large-Cap Altcoin, Accumulating $580,000,000 in Crypto

One mega-whale just loaded up on an Ethereum (ETH) token that powers a popular crypto marketplace.

The blockchain-transaction tracker WhaleStats juri that the unnamed wallet received 14,000,000 FTT, the native token of the FTX exchange. The transaction was worth $581,444,018 at time of sending.

il balieni now holds over $1.2 billion worth of FTT with a total value exceeding $3.8 billion and is now ranked fourth on the WhaleStats’ list of the top 1000 Ethereum wallets, excluding the ETH cryptocurrency itself.

Sors: WhaleStats

Popular crypto analyst Smart Contracter is also showing interest in FTT, noting that the Fibonacci ABC spacing between sharp highs and lows on the coin’s historical chart offers encouraging signs for future price action.

Il-kummerċjant jgħid in a tweet to his 196,000 followers,

“Been a long while since I played FTT but I actually think a major bottom is in and we go to [all-time highs] from here.

Perfect ABC on super-high timeframes where ABC came below the 0.618 and bull/bear periods are almost 1:1 extension.”

sors: Smart Contracter / Twitter

In late October news broke that FTX had mixtrija advertising airtime during the February 2022 Super Bowl as part of a wider push to bring crypto awareness to the mainstream.

Last week FTX also ħabbret the launch of a marketplace for Ethereum-based non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Fil-ħin tal-kitba, il- TTF token is mostly flat on the day and trading at $42.73.

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Il-post Fourth-Largest Ethereum Whale Pounces on Large-Cap Altcoin, Accumulating $580,000,000 in Crypto deher l-ewwel fuq Il-Hodl ta' Kuljum.

Sors oriġinali: Il-Hodl ta' Kuljum