Ir-Riskju Ġeopolitiku u l-Inkwiet dwar l-Ukrajna ħawwad Ekwitajiet, Kriptomuniti — Id-Deheb Jogħla Ogħla

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Ir-Riskju Ġeopolitiku u l-Inkwiet dwar l-Ukrajna ħawwad Ekwitajiet, Kriptomuniti — Id-Deheb Jogħla Ogħla

Nhar l-Erbgħa, is-swieq globali kienu volatili hekk kif uffiċjali tal-Ukrajna ddikjaraw stat ta’ emerġenza fost il-biża’ ta’ invażjoni Russa. L-ogħla indiċi ta 'Wall Street shuddered matul is-sessjonijiet tal-kummerċ tal-ġurnata, u s-swieq tal-kripto-munita naqsu aktar minn 4% matul il-perjodu ta' 24 siegħa. Min-naħa l-oħra, il-prezz tad-deheb qabeż 1.47% matul l-aħħar erbat ijiem, u żdied għal $1,925 kull uqija.

Investituri Globali huma Mħassba dwar ir-relazzjonijiet Bejn ir-Russja u l-Ukrajna, Wall Street Ikompli Ara Sell-Offs

While the globe grows tense over the ongoing issues between Russia and Ukraine, stock markets on Wednesday continued to bleed out more money. According to the U.S. State Department, Russia is not backing down and Ukraine officials have iddikjarat a state of emergency.

Speaking to the press, Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby qal the Russian military is ready to advance. “Russian forces continue to assemble closer to the border and put themselves in an advanced stage of readiness to act and to conduct military action in Ukraine at virtually any time now,” Kirby explained.

Investors worldwide are concerned about the global economy, soft fiat currencies and geopolitical tensions. “If anything, Putin is digging his heels in despite the increased sanctions,” Michael James, the managing director of the investment firm Wedbush Securities qal the press on Wednesday. The Wedbush executive added:

Dak verament qed iżid ma 'nervożità elevata dwar aktar azzjonijiet aggressivi u dak li se jfisser għall-komoditajiet u l-inflazzjoni b'mod ġenerali.

Wall Street’s top indexes have shed telf sinifikanti amid the uncertainty between Russia and Ukraine. Standard and Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) has dropped to the lowest levels in eight months. Nasdaq and the Dow Jones Industrial Average continued to see sell-offs as well on Wednesday afternoon (EST).

Nasdaq spiċċa l-ġurnata f'-344, NYSE niżel b'-196, id-Dow niżel -464, u l-S&P 500 niżel għal -79 mill-qanpiena tal-għeluq. L-ishma li ġejjin mis-settur tat-teknoloġija tal-informatika (IT) naqsu 2.6% matul il-ġurnata.

L-Ekonomija Kripto-Barbun, l-Investituri jsibu s-serħan fid-Deheb hekk kif il-Valur tal-Metall Prezzjuż Jogħla Ogħla

By Wednesday evening (EST), after some brief volatility during the day, the 12,798 digital coins within the ekonomija kripto dropped 4.7% against the U.S. dollar. The crypto economy slipped to $1.71 trillion with $78 billion in global trade volume, and stablecoins currently capturing $ 50 biljun of the current trade volume.

Filwaqt li bitcoin (BTC) tapped a high of $39,231.52 per unit on Wednesday, by 10:00 p.m. (EST), the leading crypto token exchanged hands below $36K per unit. Ethereum (ETH) captured a high of $2,752 per unit on Wednesday, but slipped under $2,500 at 10:00 p.m. as well.

While equities and crypto markets have slid, the price of the precious metal gold continues to soar. During the 10:00 p.m. trading session on Wednesday evening, the prezz tad-deheb per ounce exchanged hands for $1,925 a unit.

Four days ago, gold was swapping 1.47% lower for $1,897 an ounce. Two days ago in Japan, the price of the precious metal jumped to its highest level ever and experts believe the rise was due to “geopolitical risk and worries over a weakening yen.”

X'taħseb dwar il-volatilità tal-ekonomija globali fost ir-riskju ġeopolitiku u ż-żieda kontinwa fil-valur tad-deheb? Għidilna x'taħseb dwar dan is-suġġett fit-taqsima tal-kummenti hawn taħt.

Sors oriġinali: Bitcoin. Bil