Goldman Sachs Karatteristiċi Cryptocurrencies, Metaverse, Diġitalizzazzjoni fuq tiegħu Homepaġna

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Goldman Sachs Karatteristiċi Cryptocurrencies, Metaverse, Diġitalizzazzjoni fuq tiegħu Homepaġna

Global investment bank Goldman Sachs has changed its homepage to feature cryptocurrency, the metaverse, and digitalization. “From cryptocurrencies to the metaverse, explore the megatrends that are reshaping economies,” Goldman Sachs’ landing page now says.

Goldman Sachs " Homepage Now Features Crypto and Metaverse

Goldman Sachs has updated its homepage to feature digitalization, including cryptocurrencies and the metaverse. The bank’s landing page now reads:

Mill-kripto-muniti sal-metaverse, esplora l-megatrends li qed isawru mill-ġdid l-ekonomiji.

Taħt il-messaġġ ta 'hawn fuq hemm buttuna "Explore Topic" li twassal għal mazz ta' riżorsi li Goldman ippubblika fuq il-metaverse, web 3.0, cryptocurrency, web deċentralizzata, blockchain, u suġġetti oħra relatati mal-ekonomija diġitali.

Many people on social media expressed their disbelief at Goldman Sachs’ move to feature crypto and the metaverse above other topics on its homepaġna.

Several pointed out that the global investment bank has come a long way from its original assessment of bitcoin and cryptocurrency. In May 2020, Goldman Sachs said bitcoin was not an asset class.

Il-bank ġab lura tiegħu bitcoin skrivanija tal-kummerċ f’Marzu tas-sena li għaddiet u raw domanda istituzzjonali kbira għall BTC. F'Mejju, stabbilixxa formalment tim tal-kummerċ tal-kripto-munita u nediet a desk tal-kummerċ tad-derivattivi għall bitcoin. Goldman Sachs’ analysts said at the time that bitcoin is now considered an assi investibbli. F'Ġunju tas-sena l-oħra, il-bank espandiet l-iskrivanija tal-kummerċ tal-kripto-munita biex tinkludi futuri ether u għażliet.

Aktar kmieni din il-ġimgħa, Goldman Sachs eżegwit its first over-the-counter (OTC) crypto transaction with Galaxy Digital. In January, the bank’s analysts predicted that bitcoin tista 'tilħaq $100,000 hekk kif il-munita kripto tkompli tieħu s-sehem tas-suq tad-deheb.

Fir-rigward tal-metaverse, Goldman Sachs qal f'Jannar li jara l-metaverse bħala opportunità ta’ $8 triljun.

What do you think about Goldman Sachs featuring crypto and the metaverse on its homepage? Let us know in the comments section below.

Sors oriġinali: Bitcoin. Bil