Kif CTV Jista' Jgħin Tiskala Bitcoin

By Bitcoin Magazine - 3 months ago - Ħin tal-Qari: 5 minuti

Kif CTV Jista' Jgħin Tiskala Bitcoin

OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY has once again become a focal point in the conversation about improvements to scale Bitcoin. This time around there are many more alternative designs for covenants being proposed, and actual concrete designs that make use of CTV as scaling solutions (Timeout Siġar u, Ark). The conversation has a much larger depth of concepts to take into consideration, both in terms of alternatives that could be adopted as well as concrete proposals that CTV could enable.

One narrative circulating from the camp of people against CTV is that “CTV doesn’t scale Bitcoin.” Let’s charitably interpret that to mean that CTV itself does not scale Bitcoin, things you can build with it do. Well, then that is not a coherent argument. Segregated Witness did not scale Bitcoin. CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY and CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY did not scale Bitcoin. But the Lightning Network, which those three proposals enabled, do scale Bitcoin. They add a massive amount of overhead for transactional throughput to grow beyond the constraints of the blockchain innifsu.

Lightning literally couldn’t exist without those base layer primitives. The problem with Lightning though, is it only scales the number of transactions that can be processed. It does not in any way help improve the scalability of ownership over UTXOs, or increase the number of users who can control one. Lightning is currently not capable of doing that with its current design and the current set of consensus primitives available in Bitcoin iskrittura.

CTV jista 'jbiddel dan.

UTXOs U UTXOs Virtwali

Part of the problem of Lightning’s shortcoming regarding scalability of Bitcoin ownership is that in order to open a channel, or control a UTXO, you actually have to transact on the base layer. After that Lightning can facilitate a very large number of transactions off-chain, but a user must still transact on-chain to onboard themselves to Lightning. It massively increases the number of transactions Bitcoin can process, but it does nothing at all to increase the number of people who can own bitcoin.

This is another big problem CTV can help with. Burak coined the term “virtual UTXO” for his Ark proposal, but I think this terminology is a perfect general term useful far beyond the context of Ark. A virtual UTXO is one committed to being created in the future, through mechanisms like a pre-signed transaction, but that hasn’t actually been created on-chain yet. Bitcoin does not have the blockspace for everyone to create a single UTXO at the scale of the world population, but there is definitely potential for people to have their own independent virtual UTXO if the process of committing to those can be made scalable.

Scaling the creation of commitments to vUTXOs is the problem. Right now there is no way to create them except through the use of pre-signed transactions, and this introduces a bottleneck that must be addressed. The number of vUTXOs any real UTXO can commit to is bounded by the size of the multisig set signing these transactions. To trustlessly create vUTXOs, the owner of every vUTXO must be part of the multisig key that is signing the transactions that commit to creating them, otherwise they have no guarantee that conflicting transactions will not be generated that voids their ability to claim their vUTXO if necessary. The problem of coordinating the signing of this between every member of the set introduces practical considerations that will ultimately severely limit the size any pool of vUTXOs can grow to. The only other alternative is to have some trusted party or parties sign the transactions committing to everyone’s vUTXOs, and simply trusting them to not steal those funds from the rightful owners.

CTV joffri soluzzjoni għal dawn iż-żewġ problemi. Billi tkun tista 'timpenja ruħha b'mod mhux interattiv għal sett ta' tranżazzjonijiet futuri bl-istess mod kif jagħmlu tranżazzjonijiet iffirmati minn qabel, iżda mingħajr ma jeħtieġ li kull sid tal-vUTXOs dawk it-tranżazzjonijiet joħolqu biex jikkoordina l-iffirmar, issolvi l-problema ta 'koordinazzjoni. Fl-istess ħin minħabba li ħadd ma jeħtieġ li jinteraġixxi, persuna waħda tista’ tieħu r-rwol li tiffinanzja l-output tas-CTV li timpenja ruħha li l-vUTXOs ta’ kulħadd jitfaċċaw fil-katina, u hija meħtieġa żero fiduċja f’dik il-persuna wara li t-tranżazzjoni ta’ finanzjament tkun ikkonfermata. Ladarba dak l-UTXO reali jiġi kkonfermat fi blokk, il-persuna li ffinanzjaha m'għandha l-ebda kapaċità li tneħħi jew tonfoq doppju t-tranżazzjonijiet futuri li tkun impenjat għalihom.

Keep in mind that a vUTXO can be whatever you want it to be. It can be a Lightning channel, a multisig script for cold storage, etc. CTV does what the current form of Lightning does not, it scales actual ownership of Bitcoin, not just the number of transactions it can process.

Aqta 'l-Shortcut

One of the other criticisms of CTV as “not scaling Bitcoin” is that by committing to future transactions you do not escape the need to put them on-chain eventually, and so therefore CTV doesn’t actually help improve scalability. I like to call this “the OP_IF fallacy.” i.e. once people start talking about CTV they forget OP_IF exists, and that scripts can actually have multiple spending conditions to choose from.

L-aktar affarijiet b'saħħithom dwar Taproot huma l-abbiltà li jinbnew multisigs billi żżid żewġ ċwievet pubbliċi flimkien u tiffirma għalihom b'firem aggregat wieħed, u li tiżvela biss b'mod selettiv fergħa waħda "IF" ta' skript li għandha modi multipli biex jintefqu. . Flimkien ma' CTV, dan joffri mod b'saħħtu ħafna biex tagħmel użu mill-impenji tal-vUTXO. Pjuttost milli jagħmlu katina ta 'tranżazzjonijiet bl-użu purament tas-CTV, jistgħu jinbnew bit-triq tal-infiq tas-CTV midfuna ġewwa siġra ta' l-għeruq. It-tmiem tal-katina tat-tranżazzjonijiet huma l-vUTXOs individwali kollha li kull parteċipant għandu, imsakkra għaċ-ċavetta pubblika ta’ dak l-utent biss. Hekk kif tmur lura lejn l-għerq tas-siġra, kull sett ta 'ċwievet li huma taħt kwalunkwe nodu fis-siġra jistgħu sempliċement jiġu miżjuda flimkien u użati bħala ċ-ċavetta Schnorr multisig li l-mogħdija ta' jonfqu CTV hija midfuna taħt.

Dan ifisser li fi kwalunkwe punt fil-katina tat-tranżazzjonijiet li jitfaċċaw fil-katina biex fil-fatt iddawwar il-vUTXOs f'UTXOs reali fejn tista' tikseb kull parteċipant f'UTXO intermedjarju biex jikkoordina ma' xulxin, kulħadd jista' sempliċement jiffirma b'mod koperattiv tranżazzjoni li jċaqlaq il-muniti tagħhom fejn iridu jmorru b'mod aktar effiċjenti milli sempliċement iħallu l-fluss tat-tranżazzjonijiet definiti minn qabel jitfaċċaw it-triq kollha biex ibiddlu l-vUTXOs tagħhom f'dawk reali. Dan jippermetti li sottogruppi żgħar jaħarbu mill-bżonn li fil-fatt jiżvolġu s-sett kollu ta’ tranżazzjonijiet impenjati minn qabel fuq il-katina, mingħajr ma jintroduċu xi partijiet fdati biex jiddependu fuq jew iddgħajfu s-sigurtà tat-talba ta’ kull utent għall-vUTXOs tagħhom stess.

These two simple realities offer a massive gain in scalability for Bitcoin without compromising on individual sovereignty or security in doing so, and all we need in order to realize them is CTV.

Ringrazzjamenti: Nixtieq nirringrazzja lil kull min jipparteċipa fil-Bitdevs ta’ Chicago talli għenuni nifformula dawn l-osservazzjonijiet b’mod konċiż permezz ta’ diskussjoni. 

Sors oriġinali: Bitcoin Magazine