Major Crypto Exchanges Ready to Work in Russia Under Proposed Rules, Report

By - 2 snin ilu - Ħin tal-Qari: 3 minuti

Major Crypto Exchanges Ready to Work in Russia Under Proposed Rules, Report

L-iskambji ewlenin, mistħarrġa mill-istampa Russa, indikaw li ma jibżgħux mir-regolamenti kripto stretti li ġejjin. Rekwiżit għall-pjattaformi tal-kummerċ tal-muniti biex jistabbilixxu uffiċċju lokali hija waħda mill-proposti f'pjan direzzjonali regolatorju abbozzat mill-gvern f'Moska.

Skambji ta 'Cryptocurrency biex Twaqqaf Shop fil-Federazzjoni Russa

Some of the world’s largest digital assets exchanges, interviewed by Kommersant, are not objecting to a potential requirement to establish permanent presence in Russia in order to continue to offer services to its citizens. The idea to oblige foreign-based platforms to do so is part of the government’s pjan direzzjonali to regulate the country’s crypto space.

The document, reportedly signed by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, has been prepared as an alternative approach to Bank of Russia’s sejħa for a ban on trading, among other crypto operations. With its hardline stance, the central bank has found itself in isolation as most other government institutions, including the Finance Ministry, favor regulation over prohibition.

Among other requirements envisaged in the roadmap are those related to anti-money laundering efforts such as the sharing of transaction data with Rosfinmonitoring, Russia’s financial watchdog. Crypto market players will also have to put in place mechanisms to verify information about the ownership of the digital assets they are dealing with.

Binance, the largest crypto exchange by volume, told the business daily it’s ready to open a branch or even register a legal entity in Russia, “if this contributes to the convenience of users and the security of operations.” Olga Goncharova, head of government relations for Russia and the CIS countries, said that Binance supports the regulatory roadmap as a step that “will make operations more understandable, transparent, and user-friendly” while also noting the proposals need further “calibration.”

Pjattaforma ewlenija oħra tal-kummerċ tal-kripto, Huobi, iddikjarat li tittama għal "djalogu miftuħ mar-regolaturi Russi." It-tim tiegħu jemmen li liġi kostruttiva tal-kripto-munita tgħin biex tiżdied il-fiduċja fl-assi diġitali u l-iskambji kemm f’investituri individwali kif ukoll istituzzjonali.

L-iskambju Crypto AAX żvela li m'għandu l-ebda pjan immedjat biex jistabbilixxi uffiċċju fil-Federazzjoni Russa iżda qal ukoll li jista 'jibda jaħdem f'din id-direzzjoni f'każ li r-regolamenti jiġu approvati. AAX hija lesta li tikkonforma ma' dak li ddeskriviet bħala rekwiżiti regolatorji "leġittimi". L-iskambju, li jservi madwar nofs miljun resident Russu, irrimarka li jżomm informazzjoni dwar il-klijenti tiegħu, il-bilanċi, it-tranżazzjonijiet u l-attivitajiet kummerċjali tagħhom.

Russian lawmakers are now working on a kont ġdid to fill the regulatory gaps remaining after the adoption of the law “On Digital Financial Assets.” The authors aim to define which entities will be allowed to work with cryptocurrencies, including crypto exchanges. Trading platforms incorporated abroad will be subject to a “special” registration regime, the Deputy Chair of the Security and Anti-Corruption Committee Andrey Lugovoy, one of the sponsors, told Russian media.

Taħseb li l-iskambji tal-kripto se jkunu jistgħu jadattaw għar-regoli li jmiss tar-Russja għas-settur? Aqsam il-ħsibijiet tiegħek dwar is-suġġett fit-taqsima tal-kummenti hawn taħt.

Sors oriġinali: Bitcoin. Bil