Il-Kult Memecoin Ikompli: Dogecoin U Shiba Inu Fil-Ċomb

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Il-Kult Memecoin Ikompli: Dogecoin U Shiba Inu Fil-Ċomb

October began with a decline in Bitcoin, altcoin, and memecoins like Dogecoin prices backed by the Fed’s quantitative tightening and interest rate hike. Bitcoin slumped below the 20k psychological level, giving rise to tensions among investors in the market.

However, the month ended with a massive price rally for some altcoins across the market. While bitcoin price slumped below 20k and later made a recovery, Memecoins hit milestone gains, with DOGE increasing by 25%. SHIB and others followed closely after DOGE.

Kif Sejrin Dogecoin U Memecoins Oħra

Il-prezz ta’ DOGE żdied ’il fuq wara li Elon Musk temm l-akkwist ta’ Twitter. Fil-25 ta 'Ottubru, DOGE nnegozjat għal $0.06 qabel qabeż għal $0.1 fi tmiem il-ġimgħa. Il-memecoin qabeż għall-ogħla livell f'ħames xhur ta '$ 0.15 qabel ma waqa' lura għal $ 0.11 nhar it-Tnejn.

Novembru jidher qisu żmien barri għal DOGE peress li ppumpja 'l fuq minn $ 0.15 wara żieda ta' 15% iżda issa huwa ta '$ 0.13. Dogecoin kien wieħed mill-ħafna memecoins li esperjenzaw il-barrin filwaqt li oħrajn segwew mill-qrib. Fl-aħħar 24 siegħa, Shiba Inu kiseb aktar minn 8%. Shiba Inu bħalissa jinnegozja għal $ 0.00001283 b'ogħla 24 siegħa ta '$ 0.00001345. Shiba Floki Inu (FLOKI) u Baby Dogecoin irreġistraw qligħ aktar notevoli.

Binance Coin also increased significantly, adding more than 5% value daily, and is now trading at $325. Uniswap exhibited a similar price increase with BNB and surpassed the $7 mark. Similarly, Ether, XRP, Cardano, Tron, and Avalanched, are also gaining, while Solana, MATIC, and Polkadot have declined insignificantly.

Bitcoin Previżjoni tal-Prezz

Although not as impressive as DOGE and other memecoins, Bitcoin, the leading cryptocurrency, did not do badly last week. Bitcoin has hovered around $19,000 levels in the previous weeks and jumped above $20,000 on Tuesday, October 25.

On two occasions, Bitcoin rose to $21,000, with Saturday’s price being the highest since September 13. However, BTC did not celebrate this comeback long before bearish sentiments took position and pushed the asset back. BTC fell to $20,500 and tended toward $20,000 on Monday, but it managed to maintain the $20k level. It is currently trading above $20,400.

Bitcoin price outlook remains strong l Source: BTCUSDT fuq

Sadanittant, il-limitu tas-suq BTC naqas għal $ 395 biljun, u d-dominanza tagħha niżlet b'1.5% fl-aħħar sebat ijiem, u evapora għal 38.6%.

Peress li s-suq tal-kripto għandu ħafna volatilità tal-prezzijiet, speċjalment bil-kundizzjonijiet makroekonomiċi attwali, in-negozjanti għandhom jaġixxu b'kawtela. Barra minn hekk, erba 'avvenimenti ewlenin ġejjin fl-għaxart ijiem li ġejjin, li jistgħu jġibu riżultati inċerti fis-suq.

Considering the impacts of the previous events – the release of CPI numbers and FOMC meetings—on Bitcoin, it is not wrong to expect more price volatility soon.

Il-laqgħa tal-Federal Reserve, id-dejta tal-Pagi mhux agrikoli tal-Uffiċċju tal-Istatistika tax-Xogħol, l-elezzjonijiet ta 'nofs it-terminu, u l-indiċi tal-CPI ta' Ottubru ġejjin fl-għaxart ijiem li ġejjin.

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