Ripple Hits New UNL Decentralization Milestone, Here Are The Participants

By Bitcoinist - 1 sena ilu - Ħin tal-Qari: 3 minuti

Ripple Hits New UNL Decentralization Milestone, Here Are The Participants

Although the XRP Ledger (XRP) is an open-source, public, and decentralized layer 1 blockchain run by a global community of developers, there has been a history of criticism for perceived centralization; the most high-profile case being the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission accusing Ripple Labs of issuing an unregistered security.

Critics cite the original distribution of XRP to Ripple on the one hand and the functionality of the XRP ledger on the other. Back in May 2017, Ripple ħabbret strateġija biex tiżdied id-deċentralizzazzjoni u jiġi żgurat li l-ebda entità waħda ma jkollha kontroll operattiv fuq l-XRP Ledger.

F'dak iż-żmien, il-kumpanija qalbet għall-użu ta 'manifesti tal-validatur, tejbet is-sigurtà tal-validatur, u ppubblikat Lista ta' Nodi Uniċi (UNL) rakkomandata bl-użu tal-infrastruttura Dynamic UNL ġdida. Barra minn hekk, il-kumpanija ħabbret li validaturi indipendenti se jiżdiedu ma 'dak rakkomandat UNL.

“During that time, for every two independent validators that are added in the recommended UNL, one Ripple-operated validator will be removed,” the company announced back in February 2018m and went on to say; “The end state will be a network with a varied set of validators, operated by multiple entities from different locations, all sharing one common goal: the long term health and stability of the XRP Ledger.

XRPL Jilħaq Tragward Maġġuri tad-Deċentralizzazzjoni

L-XRP Ledger reċentement laħaq dan it-tragward ta 'deċentralizzazzjoni massiva. Il-Fondazzjoni XRP Ledger rilaxxati its latest UNL recommendation yesterday. According to it, Aesthetes, an NFT marketplace for physical and digital art, has been added to the UNL list published by the XRP Ledger Foundation while removing a Ripple nodu.

The XRP Ledger node on the dUNL @rippleitinNZ, wrote via Twitter, “Ripple is now down to 1 validator on published UNL’s out of 34 (2.9%) and no single entity has more than 1 validator on the UNL.”

Merħba @aesthetes_art għal-lista UNL ppubblikata tal-XRPLF, u oħrajn.@Ripple are now down to 1 validator on published UNL's out of 34 (2.9%) and no single entity has more than 1 validator on the UNL.

Diversi u deċentralizzati #XRPL

- (@rippleitinNZ) Jannar 25, 2023

Minbarra l- Ripple validator, the University of Korea validator was also removed from the list. According to the report, its operator was “unavailable for weeks” and occupied a slot for a negative unique-node list, which includes validators temporarily offline during crashes or maintenance updates.

“Aħna konxji li n-numru ta’ validaturi fl-UNL ippubblikat tagħna niżel marġinalment minn 35 għal 34 b’dawn il-bidliet. Ninsabu kunfidenti li se nżidu d-daqs tal-lista fl-aġġornament tagħna li jmiss,” żiedet l-XRP Ledger Foundation.

What Role Does Ripple Play Anyway?

Fuq l-XRP Ledger, in-nodi kollha jiżguraw li t-tranżazzjonijiet jissodisfaw ir-rekwiżiti tal-protokoll u jaqblu dwar tali ordni li tipprevjeni l-infiq doppju. UNLs huma l-listi ta' validaturi.

Currently, there are three publishers: Ripple, the XRP Ledger Foundation, and Coil known for publishing recommended standard lists of high-quality validators. However, each server operator can choose their own UNL, with Ripple’s list being the default at rippled, the server software that powers the XRP Ledger.

Anke jekk Ripple recommends its list, it does not then create a centralized system because it is based on an opt-in. If the company ceases operations or acts maliciously, participants can change their UNLs and use a list from another issuer.

Skond XRP Scan, l-UNL default bħalissa jikkonsisti f'nodu wieħed biss mill-kumpanija mħarrka mis-SEC. Il-bqija huma skambji, bħal Bitso u Bitrue, universitajiet bħall-Università Globali ta’ Londra (Renju Unit), Università ta’ Nicosia (Ċipru), Università ta’ Waterloo (Kanada), entitajiet tal-ekosistema XRP bħal Gatehub, Netwerk tal-Flare, XRP Scan, Towo Labs, Bithomp, u oħrajn, inkluż AT TOKYO (kumpanija ewlenija fl-industrija taċ-ċentru tad-dejta, Flagship Solutions Group, u Brex.

Fiż-żmien tal-istampa, il-prezz XRP kien ta '$ 0.4095.

Immaġni dehru minn Shubham Dhage / Unsplash, Ċart minn

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