Il-bejjiegħa bin-nieqes ta' SHIB jista' jkollhom tieqa ta' qligħ qabel ma tibda din il-pressjoni

Minn AMB Crypto - 1 sena ilu - Ħin tal-Qari: 1 minuta

Il-bejjiegħa bin-nieqes ta' SHIB jista' jkollhom tieqa ta' qligħ qabel ma tibda din il-pressjoni

SHIB rallied by as much as 55% from its lower range to its new monthly high of $0.00001519. This bullish correction was notably much sharper than its July bounce. Many traders might interpret this as a sign that it might be the start of another continuous bullish uptrend.

Sors oriġinali: WBA Crypto