Żmien qasir u fit-tul Bitcoin Bażijiet tal-Ispejjeż tad-Detentur Indikaw Kundizzjonijiet tas-Suq li Jinbidlu

By Bitcoin Magazine - 2 snin ilu - Ħin tal-Qari: 2 minuti

Żmien qasir u fit-tul Bitcoin Bażijiet tal-Ispejjeż tad-Detentur Indikaw Kundizzjonijiet tas-Suq li Jinbidlu

Iż-żmien qasir u fit-tul bitcoin holder cost basis ratio is trending downward, signaling a shift in market conditions.

Dan hawn taħt huwa minn edizzjoni reċenti tad-Deep Dive, Bitcoin Newsletter tas-swieq premium tal-Magazin. Biex tkun fost l-ewwel li tirċievi dawn l-għarfien u oħrajn on-chain bitcoin analiżi tas-suq direttament fl-inbox tiegħek, tabbona issa.

One of our favorite on-chain indicators recently flipped bullish. The STH (short-term holder) LTH (long-term holder) cost basis ratio recently has started to trend downward over the last two weeks, indicating a shift in market conditions.

The metric is first explained in detail in L-Adsa ta' Kuljum #070.

Historically the metric has been one of the most accurate market indicators in Bitcoin, as the relationships between short-term and long-term holders and the acceleration/deceleration of cost basis of the two respective cohorts is quite informative.

il bitcoin price short-term holder and long-term holder ratio's 14-day change.

While it is true that short-term holders are still underwater in aggregate (relative to the average cost basis of the cohort) the market absorbed lots of realized losses during the last few months, and with a relative accumulation occurring, the STH LTH Ratio has flipped back bullish.

A backtest of the ratio over time speaks for itself:

il bitcoin price short-term and long-term holder ratio's 14-day change.

Below is a view of the inputs that go into the ratio itself:

il bitcoin short-term holder and long-term holder realized price.

Similarly, last Wednesday in L-Adsa ta' Kuljum #144 we highlighted the bullish flip in the delta gradient, another market momentum metric.

Sors oriġinali: Bitcoin Magazine