Sinterklaas: Fuq it-Twemmin, il-Muniet taċ-Ċikkulata, u l-Kbaru Għadhom Reqdin

By Bitcoin Magazine - 6 months ago - Ħin tal-Qari: 4 minuti

Sinterklaas: Fuq it-Twemmin, il-Muniet taċ-Ċikkulata, u l-Kbaru Għadhom Reqdin

Well, well, well. It’s that time of year again in the Netherlands. Not just to celebrate the second Bitcoin Conference in Amsterdam, but also the arrival by steamboat of our red caped Saint, the Holy Man himself, patron of boats, sailors, and little children: Sinterklaas. Yes, he’s the bringer of gifts in the shoes of Dutch kids and swaps a carrot or drawing for a gold ribboned package of your deepest desire. He’s the original boss, Santa's precursor (too bad Murica), and my red pill incarnate.

Lura fl-iskola primarja, meta kont għadni ‘nemmen’, kien Micky, tifel mill-klassi, li faqqa’ l-bużżieqa maġika tiegħi. Kien tifel umoristiku u kien jilgħab ma’ kulħadd. Per eżempju, kien jistaqsik kokk jew sprite, u tkun xi tkun ir-rispons tiegħek, hu ddawwarlek il-polz tant ħażin li tesperjenza l-'fizz'. Nilgħab l-irħam miegħu kienet ukoll idea ħażina peress li r-regoli kienu jinbidlu (favur tiegħu) waqt li nilgħab, u sussegwentement nitlef iż-żibeġ sbieħ kollha tiegħi. Naturalment kien Micky li jkisser il-maġija li kont taħt. Jien ma kellix kont l-uniku wieħed, għax probabbilment ħammar ħamra l-klassi kollha, iżda dakinhar fhimt: Sinterklaas kien scam. U niżlet mill-psikożi tiegħi li fiha Kattoliku antik bid-daqna mbuttat rigali b’xejn miċ-ċumnija tiegħi waqt li kien jivvjaġġa bil-lejl biż-żiemel fuq is-soqfa tal-gabled tagħna.

Franchement, ma ħadtx tajjeb. Ħassejtni mutu u diżappuntat mill-ġenituri tiegħi. Kif setgħu jigdbu miegħi? X’għamilt? Ħsibt li kont tifel sabiħ? Xorta waħda, ma għedthomx li ma kontx nemmin aktar f’Sinterklaas, għax ma ridtx nismagħhom. Ukoll, kien sabiħ li tkun fuq in-naħa tal-lemin ta 'l-assimetrija ta' l-informazzjoni, għalhekk I shut up dwar dan. Żball kbir. Dik is-sena l-ġenituri tiegħi kera Sinterklaas u helpers li ġew iħabbtu mal-bieb ta’ barra tagħna. Kelli nħallihom jidħlu u nilgħab flimkien. Tard wisq biex nistqarr. Għexieren ta’ snin wara rrid nisma’ lill-ġenituri tiegħi jgħidu kemm kienet sabiħa li għadni ‘emmen’ dik is-sena. Hekk imbarazzanti! Qaddis indannat.

Imma kemm kien reali Hu, kif kont emmint in-nuqqas ta’ sens, u kemm kienet koroh l-iżvelar finali. X'iqarrqu! I kellha tafda s-sentimenti imsaren tiegħi madwar l-anomaliji, sabiex Micky ma jkollux imbarazzani daqshekk ħażin. Daqqa.

Fortunately, I have made peace again with my Holy Man. In this demythologized world, I’m grateful the pagan tradition has survived and that every autumn the old bearded red fellow still rides the roofs and cobblestone streets, chucking candy at the youngsters. He’s a torri god, a benevolent humbug, who explains his scheme and shows the secret, to teach you a valuable lesson for adulthood with its many fake constructs grownups blindly believe. Unfortunately, in adult land, there’s nobody to wake you up. And so we keep on dreaming. Yes, Sinterklaas was very nice indeed, wasn’t he? He’s the tutorial. A free introductory course into the mechanisms of belief, deceit, and psychosis that deceive the eyes. Make no mistake, for that's Sinterklaas' greatest gift.

Vanishingly ftit!

But most grownups have forgotten his teachings. So certain are they. Hear they nothing what he says? With coco futures soaring to all time highs, even the Sinterklaas’ chocolate coins have become a better maħżen tal-valur compared to the euro, pound, or dollar. And yet we keep on believing; patting ourselves on the back for not trusting in myth, fairytale, or Saint, whilst blindly confiding in the world’s greatest paper fantasy. But, you must feel the scam around you. Here, between you, me, the chocolate coin, the peso, everywhere. Yes...even between the land and the steamboat.

Hence the Sinterklaas experience is not just a local tradition but a metaphor for the global initiation into Bitcoin. All fiat freaks are still children in that sense. But without a trickster guardian, who's going to teach them? How will they wake up? When will they realize it is spawned out of thin air? Painful it is to admit one has been fooled. But the most agonizing thing is to be orphaned from the system. Especially when you have never been rugged, this abandonment can be too much to handle, persuading people to remain asleep.

This is why I celebrate my Saint. And I feel sorrow for the ones who have forgotten, where he's been erased from existence. But my trickster survived. He rugged me early, so I could see the rug later. And find my the real.

Allura f'Ottubru, agħmel lir-raġel ta 'pjaċir meta tkun qed itir lejn Amsterdam. Kemm jekk int fanatiku fiat, detentur tal-borża alt, jew ltqajna l-ixkora tal-burlap tiegħek diġà mimlija sax-xifer bis-sats; mur ixtri xi żrinġijiet taċ-ċikkulata, effiġi ħelwa ta’ Sinterklaas, jew xi pepernuts bit-togħma tal-kejk tal-karrotti fis-supermarket Albert Heijn. Esporta l-muniti taċ-ċikkulata tiegħu mad-dinja kollha u nefħu l-ħbieb tal-fiat ħelu tiegħek sakemm iz-zokkor jitmermer l-enamel tas-snien bojod verġni tagħhom. Ifaħħar lill-Bniedem. Onora lill-Qaddis, il-patrun tar-rigali, it-tricks, u r-rugpulls. Irid jirritorna.

Jien nemmen fih. U jien grat li ġejt bidu kmieni. 

Sors oriġinali: Bitcoin Magazine