Solana Has Potential To Be the ‘Apple’ of Crypto, According to SOL Co-Founder Raj Gokal

Minn The Daily Hodl - 10 xhur ilu - Ħin tal-Qari: 2 minuti

Solana Has Potential To Be the ‘Apple’ of Crypto, According to SOL Co-Founder Raj Gokal

Solana (SOL) co-founder Raj Gokal is bullish on the prospects of the layer-1 Ethereum (ETH)-rival over the long term.

Gokal jgħidlekx TechCrunch+ that Solana could become as dominant in the crypto space as Apple is in the consumer electronics industry.

“Solana has the potential to be the Apple of crypto.

I think about Apple, having worked for close to a decade on latency for touchscreens to allow for the iPhone to come out and it just felt like magic.

There were a lot of things to be built on top of that platform to get the iPhone and App Store and app ecosystem to where it is today. But it all started with one relentless focus on a simple interaction that had to work perfectly.”

According to Gokal, Solana’s engineering team and the ecosystem is placing an Apple-like focus on user experience and performance to ensure that the network “feels like the regular internet, when it’s an entirely new financial internet.”

The Solana co-founder says that going forward, the layer-1 blockchain will focus on growth.

“The core thesis is going to be [focused on] new businesses, new projects, independent developers. We are still in an ecosystem and a community that is optimistic about what two developers in a garage can do.”

On the Solana blockchain-based smartphone which was imnedija last month, Gokal says that it will assist more people access crypto products and services without having to use a computer.

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