L-Eżekuttiv Globali ta’ S&P Tbassar Punt ta’ Involta għall-Kripto, Jgħid it-Tokenizzazzjoni ta’ Kulma Jiġi fis-Swieq Finanzjarji

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L-Eżekuttiv Globali ta’ S&P Tbassar Punt ta’ Involta għall-Kripto, Jgħid it-Tokenizzazzjoni ta’ Kulma Jiġi fis-Swieq Finanzjarji

A top executive at market intelligence giant S&P Global says that the mass tokenization of traditional assets is fast approaching, thanks to crypto technology.

Fil-ġdid intervista on Scott Melker’s YouTube channel, Chuck Mounts, the firm’s chief DeFi officer, says that he believes all assets will eventually be tokenized in the long run.

Mounts says that S&P, which does over $8 billion in yearly revenue, is positioning itself for such a trend to unfold.

“We think the tokenization of everything is going to happen. Who can predict the exact twists and turns of the pathway to that? But in the meantime, we want to make sure our organization is positioned to provide the services and products that are needed to shed light on the risks in the industry and allow shareholders to make informed decisions…

In the long term, we think the tokenization of everything will happen, but in the range from purely centralized to purely decentralized, my personal opinion is that we’re still going to end up in some blended space.”

Mounts predicts a huge turning point for crypto sometime within the next year where institutional investors start flood the space upon getting regulatory clarity.

“I think [the industry] is going to change in the next period, whether that’s one quarter or two quarters or four quarters, I think it’s going to start changing pretty quickly as the big players have been investing human and financial capital to build capabilities, and now that we’re on the verge of getting some stablecoin legislation in the US, I think that will prove to be a turning point that allows that have already invested in their capabilities to start executing and really scale their execution.”


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Il-post L-Eżekuttiv Globali ta’ S&P Tbassar Punt ta’ Involta għall-Kripto, Jgħid it-Tokenizzazzjoni ta’ Kulma Jiġi fis-Swieq Finanzjarji deher l-ewwel fuq Il-Hodl ta' Kuljum.

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