Żewġ sfidanti tal-Ethereum qed iħejju r-rallies hekk kif Crypto Deher Turbo Bullish: L-Analista Top

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Żewġ sfidanti tal-Ethereum qed iħejju r-rallies hekk kif Crypto Deher Turbo Bullish: L-Analista Top

A widely followed crypto strategist and trader believes that two of Ethereum’s (ETH) biggest challengers are likely to pull off rallies in the coming weeks.

Pseudoymous analyst Pentoshi tells his 553,200 Twitter followers that he’s keeping a close watch on smart contract platforms Solana (SOL) and Avalanche (AVAX).

According to the crypto analyst, both AVAX and SOL are lest to launch relief rallies after the two ETH rivals respected a key support area.

“I totally understand the macro backdrop. Was probably first to post about it in November. But I also am turbo bullish for the next zero to two weeks. I feel better about this market than I have in six months…

This week has mostly been consolidation off the low wicks. We did get the initial reactions for strong bounces. I still believe from experience reflexivity is a thing. And next week that is realized. I will be bidding AVAX and SOL again.”

sors: Pentoshi / Twitter

Fil-ħin tal-kitba, SOL is changing hands for $52.48, up almost 4% in the past day.

sors: Pentoshi / Twitter

AVAX is currently trading at $31.65, up nearly 6% in the last 24 hours.

Ħarsa lejn Bitcoin, Pentoshi believes that BTC will move against overall trader sentiment in the coming weeks and rally to his target at around $36,000.

“Red: How crypto Twitter now perceives how BTC trades in the next month.

Green: How it really trades the next month.”

sors: Pentoshi / Twitter

Bitcoin is currently valued at $30,105, up over 2% in the last day.

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/jamesteohart/PurpleRender

Il-post Żewġ sfidanti tal-Ethereum qed iħejju r-rallies hekk kif Crypto Deher Turbo Bullish: L-Analista Top deher l-ewwel fuq Il-Hodl ta' Kuljum.

Sors oriġinali: Il-Hodl ta' Kuljum