Under-the-Radar Ethereum (ETH) Competitor Pumps by 50% This Week Amid New AI Partnership

Minn The Daily Hodl - 10 xhur ilu - Ħin tal-Qari: 2 minuti

Under-the-Radar Ethereum (ETH) Competitor Pumps by 50% This Week Amid New AI Partnership

An under-the-radar Ethereum (ETH) competitor pumped by nearly 50% this week amid a new partnership with an artificial intelligence (AI) bot project.

The native asset of the scalability-focused smart contract network Everscale (QATT) is trading around $0.06326 at time of writing, up from $0.0423 a week ago.

EVER’s biggest price jump of the week happened after the project ħabbret on Twitter on Monday that it had partnered with CryptoMatch, an AI-powered networking platform that uses a Telegram bot to connect people.

Explains Everscale,

“Why is this partnership important to Everscale? In three months, the CryptoMatch team attracted more than 8,000+ active users from 20+ countries and more than 30 partners from the largest conferences, DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations) and protocols. This is fertile ground for networking and the creation of new projects.”

EVER also witnessed a new listing this week, with Bithumb, the it-tieni l-akbar crypto exchange in South Korea, roll out trading services for the crypto asset on Tuesday. Everscale says it has “a big Korean strategy in the works and will be revealing all the details soon.”

The 240th-ranked crypto asset by market cap is also up 1.73% in the past 24 hours. However, despite the price increases this week, EVER remains more than 97.5% down from its all-time high of $2.56, which it hit in October 2020.

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Immaġni Ġġenerata: Midjourney

Il-post Under-the-Radar Ethereum (ETH) Competitor Pumps by 50% This Week Amid New AI Partnership deher l-ewwel fuq Il-Hodl ta' Kuljum.

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