Vitalik Buterin Tbassar X'qed Ġejja għall-Ekosistema Ethereum matul is-Sentejn Li ġejjin

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Vitalik Buterin Tbassar X'qed Ġejja għall-Ekosistema Ethereum matul is-Sentejn Li ġejjin

Eterejum (ETH) founder Vitalik Buterin says the leading smart contract platform needs to keep moving toward long-term sustainability.

In an interview with the Bankless podcast, Vitalik Buterin jgħid there are two big priorities for the Ethereum community after the successful merge to proof-of-stake.

“I think there are two big priorities. One of the priorities is to get scaling figured out. And I mean that at all layers of the ecosystem, like getting the Ethereum protocol fully roll-up ready, which includes things like prototank sharding, getting roll-ups themselves to be fully ready for users, getting applications on top of them, getting good bridge infrastructure between them, getting all the wallets to support them… Not just helping the transition to a fully roll-up-centric Ethereum complete. 

Then, the other one is a transition from Ethereum being in rapid developing fire fighting mode to Ethereum being in stability mode. I think it’s a transition that has to happen and I do think that to some extent it’s an inevitable transition because as the ecosystem grows, the cost of changing things increases, and then there starts being all these regulatory concerns and lots of existing stakeholders…”

Buterin says that with the merge finally complete, Ethereum developers will no longer have to rush through big protocol changes, and the community will become more “pragmatic” in the near future. With that said, he still says there is a narrow window of time to complete all the desired changes to the Ethereum blockchain.

“And so there is this kind of narrow window to get a lot of important changes through, but at the same time, the ecosystem really needs to get out of this kind of firefighting. Like, you know, ‘hey, the community is yelling at us to get something now now now, and so, you know, let’s make a totally stripped down pragmatic version of it and ship it’  into a mode of like much more deeply caring about making sure that every single step that the roadmap takes is on the path to some kind of more stable form of long-term road that leads toward sustainability.”

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