Il-Balieni Jiċċaqalqu Kważi $ 1,000,000,000 f'Ethereum Hekk kif is-Swieq Iġbed lura - Hawn fejn Qed Tmur il-Kripto

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Il-Balieni Jiċċaqalqu Kważi $ 1,000,000,000 f'Ethereum Hekk kif is-Swieq Iġbed lura - Hawn fejn Qed Tmur il-Kripto

Whales moved nearly $1 billion in Ethereum (ETH) across 15 separate transactions during Tuesday and Wednesday, according to the crypto tracker Whale Alert.

After pumping to more than $3,320 in price at various points over the weekend, ETH has since tumbled down to a price of $2,988 at time of writing, according to CoinGecko.

The second-biggest crypto asset by market cap is now down 5.6% on the week amid a market-wide pullback that began on Tuesday after nearly three weeks of bullish price action that kicked off at the beginning of August.


Among the largest Ethereum whale transactions of this week is one in which 50,000 ETH, worth nearly $160 million, was trasferiti from the exchange Gemini to an unknown wallet on Tuesday.

About an hour later, a separate unknown wallet trasferiti 43,997.133 ETH, worth more than $138 million, to a third unknown wallet.

The following day, a fourth unknown wallet mibgħuta 32,020 ETH, worth more than $97.6 million, to a fifth unknown wallet.

Here are some of the other notable recent whale transactions:

12,000 ETH worth more than $36.87 million sent from an unknown wallet to Binance 3,600 ETH worth more than $10.8 million sent from Binance to an unknown wallet 22,999.994 ETH worth more than $69.5 million sent from an unknown wallet to an unknown wallet 3,948.0786 ETH worth more than $12 million sent from Gemini to an unknown wallet 6,419.9326 ETH worth more than $19.5 million sent from Binance to an unknown wallet 25,999.99 ETH worth more than $81.7 million sent from an unknown wallet to an unknown wallet 25,000 ETH worth more than $79.4 million sent from an unknown wallet to an unknown wallet 25,000 ETH worth more than $80.7 million sent from an unknown wallet to an unknown wallet 19,222.592 ETH worth more than $62.1 million sent from Huobi to an unknown wallet 24,015 ETH worth more than $77.66 million sent from an unknown wallet to an unknown wallet 4,000 ETH worth more than $12.53 million sent from an unknown wallet to Binance 10,000 ETH worth more than $31.47 million sent from an unknown wallet to Binance

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/Color4260

Il-post Il-Balieni Jiċċaqalqu Kważi $ 1,000,000,000 f'Ethereum Hekk kif is-Swieq Iġbed lura - Hawn fejn Qed Tmur il-Kripto deher l-ewwel fuq Il-Hodl ta' Kuljum.

Sors oriġinali: Il-Hodl ta' Kuljum