BTC को ह्याशरेटले बढ्दो तनाव निम्त्याउँछ - के खानी उद्योग चौराहेमा छ?

AMB Crypto द्वारा - 1 वर्ष पहिले - पढ्ने समय: 1 मिनेट

BTC को ह्याशरेटले बढ्दो तनाव निम्त्याउँछ - के खानी उद्योग चौराहेमा छ?

Bitcoin hashrate is at an all-time high, and competition for block rewards is fierce. Miners’ revenue has declined, and the selling pressure may increase anytime soon. Bitcoin’s hashrate reached a new all-time high recently. This increase in hashrate meant that more miners are participating to keep the network secured and more decentralized. However, it also meant […]

मूल स्रोत: एएमबी क्रिप्टो