Mimic Shhans ले KEY3.id मा सामुदायिक मतदान जित्यो, .minic DID minting को लागी उपलब्ध छ

AMB Crypto द्वारा - 1 वर्ष पहिले - पढ्ने समय: 1 मिनेट

Mimic Shhans ले KEY3.id मा सामुदायिक मतदान जित्यो, .minic DID minting को लागी उपलब्ध छ

KEY3.id, a Decentralized Naming System based on the Ethereum chain initiated Blue-Chip NFT bound domain name voting campaign on December 5th and generated great social buzz in many Blue-Chip NFT communities. After 4 days of intense competition, the Mimic Shhans community ranks top with 1059 votes, making .mimic DID available for minting immediately. The second […]

मूल स्रोत: एएमबी क्रिप्टो