स्टेलर लुमेन्स [XLM] लामो समयको पूर्वाग्रहको रूपमा आपूर्ति क्षेत्रमा पुग्छ...

AMB Crypto द्वारा - 1 वर्ष पहिले - पढ्ने समय: 1 मिनेट

स्टेलर लुमेन्स [XLM] लामो समयको पूर्वाग्रहको रूपमा आपूर्ति क्षेत्रमा पुग्छ...

Disclaimer: The findings of the following analysis are the sole opinions of the writer and should not be considered investment advice. Since November 2021, Stellar Lumens has registered a series of lower highs on the price charts. There were individual rallies upward for the crypto asset, such as a 28% rally in early February and […]

मूल स्रोत: एएमबी क्रिप्टो