Ralio Dalio Praises Bitcoin For 12 Years Of History, But Issues Warning

By Bitcoinist - 1 år siden - Lesetid: 2 minutter

Ralio Dalio Praises Bitcoin For 12 Years Of History, But Issues Warning

I en fersk intervju, Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio shared his views on the current Federal Reserve (FED) decision to raise interest rates by 25 basis points (bps) and the performance of Bitcoin (BTC) over the past few years. 

Speaking to CNBC, Dalio stated that what the crypto industry and Bitcoin have done over the past 12 years has been “amazing.” However, the hedge fund manager believes Bitcoin has “no relationship to anything.” For Dalio, Bitcoin is a “tiny” thing that gets “disproportionate attention.”

Prisen på Bitcoin moves on its own, while the value of Bitcoin is less than a third of the importance of Microsoft stock, Dalio said. For the Bridgewater hedge fund founder, there are more exciting assets in terms of value and storage of wealth.

There are a lot of other industries that are more interesting to Dalio than Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency market, like biotech and the stock market. Cryptocurrency’s not an effective medium of exchange for him, and he speculates that it won’t be sufficient money in the future.

I en kommentar til de nylige avgjørelsene fra FED og innstramningen av pengepolitikken som den gjennomfører for å kontrollere inflasjonen, sier Dalio at i "verdenen vi lever i, er penger, som vi vet, i fare."

Dalios syn på fremtidens rikdomsbutikk

For Dalio, the importance of a store of wealth is the key to future macroeconomic recessions. He suggests that every economic crisis is a cycle, but “Bitcoin is not the solution.” In addition, Dalio claims that stablecoins are not the solution to future problems, as he suggests that they will turn back into fiat currency. He warns:

(...) Jeg tror at det du egentlig ville, det som ville være best, er en inflasjonslenket mynt. Med andre ord, noe der du i utgangspunktet vil si ok, dette kommer til å gi meg kjøpekraft fordi hver enkelt vil, hva vil de? De ønsker å sikre kjøpekraften sin, hvis du vil spare. 

In that sense, Dalio assures that industries will see the development of new currencies never seen before, which will be attractive for investment and storing wealth. He emphasized that Bitcoin will remain “unfit” for this task in the future. 

Bitcoin Reacts To The FED Announcement

After the beginning of 2023, Bitcoin’s bullish trend, and the recent favorable economic measures by the Federal Reserve, the market has adopted a new sentiment. 

Etter lange måneder med konsolidering og sidelengs prisaksjon, ser det ut til at sentiment og makroøkonomiske forhold snur i favør av oksene, med muligheten til å sette trenden for resten av 2023.

Bitcoin has grown almost 41% in the last 30 days and aims to reach new yearly highs this month. The flagship cryptocurrency is trading at $23,500 at press time, and it’s down 1.1% in the last 24 hours, reaching as high as $24,300 after the FED raised interest rates.

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