List otwarty w sprawie Bitcoin Do Tesli i Elona Muska

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List otwarty w sprawie Bitcoin Do Tesli i Elona Muska

Połączenia Bitcoin Magazine Policy Team invites Tesla and Elon Musk to reconsider their stance on the environmental impact of bitcoin.

Drodzy Tesla i Elonie Musk,

In February 2021, Tesla became an industry leader in Bitcoin by accepting payment alongside Microsoft, PayPal, Starbucks, Overstock and Twitch. As Bitcoin users and supporters, we were obviously disappointed in May when Tesla announced that it would no longer accept bitcoin and only accept fiat currencies.

Much has been written on the issues of this currency, such as assisting organized crime, untraceability and the environmental impact of its use. Nonetheless, while this currency is overwhelmingly used for crime, virtually untraceable, and kills thousands of trees every year, we still think it would be excessive to ban fiat currency completely. However, we are confused why a double standard appears to exist for bitcoin.

Jesteśmy stronami w zrozumieniu wpływu na środowisko:

When Tesla stopped accepting bitcoin, Elona napisał: "Tesla's mission is accelerating the interest of sustainable energy. We can't be the company that does that and also not do appropriate diligence on the energy usage of Bitcoin." As you know, many Tesla owners are bitcoin owners, and while the Bitcoin community is vast, it includes many who are aligned in the concern cited. Bitcoin users also want to “accelerate [...] sustainable energy.” Further, many (even most) do think “appropriate diligence” is prudent with regards to bitcoinzużycie energii.

We are surprised that these arguments are used against bitcoin, as the available evidence demonstrates that bitcoin faktycznie przyspiesza przyjęcie zrównoważonej energii. W czasie rzeczywistym firmy zajmujące się energią odnawialną często wytwarzają energię przekraczającą lokalne zapotrzebowanie, co sprawia, że ​​ciągłe wytwarzanie czystej energii jest nieopłacalne i zniechęca do inwestowania w te projekty. Badania confirms, however, that renewable projects can significantly increase profits by integrating bitcoin mining into their operations. Because bitcoin can be mined anywhere, anytime, firms can mine bitcoin when grid demand is met and energy prices are low and sell energy when demand is positive. This allows renewable energy operations to make money when they may otherwise have been unprofitable, incentivizing increased investment in renewable tech and hastening the R&D needed to make renewables as cheap as possible. In this way, Bitcoin may be one of the most significant technologies to aid in the expansion of clean energy.

Co więcej, zużywa się wiele rzeczy, takich jak same samochody Tesli ogromne ilości energii; we decide whether that energy usage is worth it based on the benefits that it provides. Bitcoin only works if the benefits of the technology outweigh the cost, and understanding the true environmental impact of the technology alongside allows us to adequately make that cost-benefit analysis.

Given the overlapping interest of the Bitcoin community in environmental issues, we are allied parties in “appropriate diligence on the energy usage of Bitcoin.” Generating quality analysis of bitcoin’s environmental impact is difficult. As a result, existing mainstream writings on environmental questions are highly problematic, follow from misunderstandings about bitcoin, and typically have inflammatory and misleading headlines. But the evidence seems to indicate that, while both Tesla vehicles and bitcoin use energy, both technologies are good for the environment.

Ocena miksu energetycznego

In July 2021, Elon Musk stated as rationale for their decision to suspend payment, "I wanted a little bit more due diligence to confirm that the percentage of renewable energy usage is most likely at or above 50%, and that there is a trend toward increasing that number, and if so Tesla would resume accepting bitcoin."

It’s a bit ironic that Tesla is so concerned about Bitcoin’s energy sources. According to the best available research, Bitcoin’s energy mix is already around 56% odnawialny, w porównaniu do około 20% dla zużycia energii przez przeciętnego Amerykanina. Ponieważ over 80% of Tesla charging is done at home, czy to oznacza, że ​​Tesla powinna zostać wstrzymana, dopóki energia wykorzystywana przez ludzi do ich ładowania nie będzie w ponad 50% odnawialna? Mamy nadzieję, że nie.

The percentage of renewable energy used by Bitcoin is also incentivized to increase rapidly. In March 2021, Bloomberg New Energy Finance found that "renewables are the cheapest power option for 71% of global GDP and 85% of global power generation. It is now cheaper to build a new solar or wind farm to meet rising electricity demand or replace a retiring generator, than it is to build a new fossil fuel-fired power plant. ... On a cost basis, wind and solar is the best economic choice in markets where firm generation resources exist and demand is growing." Considering that bitcoin mining trends toward the most affordable energy available, anywhere in the world, and the cheapest energy is most often renewable energy, then logically the energy mix of Bitcoin is going to continue moving toward renewables.

Bitcoin’s Environmental Impact Needs More Research:

The fundamental question on the environmental impact of bitcoin is a reasonable one that needs further analysis. We would posit that the operative questions, and ones that have received essentially no research attention, would include: (1) What is the environmental impact of the overall bitcoin network to operate? (2) What is the incremental impact of bitcoin transactions? (3) What is the environmental cost of custody of one’s bitcoin (for those who keep their bitcoin on a provider like Gemini)? And (4) In what ways does bitcoin pozytywnie wpłynąć na środowisko?

For each analysis, a proper breakdown wouldn’t just say “bitcoin uses as much energy as XYZ” but contextualized information like: (A) What is the delta in energy usage from bitcoin versus both fiat currency equivalent and gold? (B) What type of energy is used? (C) When is the energy used (given the duck curve of energy usage)?

Wstępna przykładowa metodologia

Istniejące, choć ograniczone, badania na te tematy wskazują, że bitcoin’s environmental impact is vastly overstated. Most research on the environmental impact of bitcoin presumes there to be essentially no electricity or environmental cost of fiat currency and financial systems; yet (among other examples) until fairly recently, checks were often loaded on planes across the country before they cleared. A large portion of bitcoin transactions are cross-border, which in fiat dollars is not just extremely expensive but also resource intensive.

Tesla powinien również sympatyzować z tą sytuacją, ponieważ krytyka miksu energetycznego Tesli jest powszechna.

Nasza propozycja:

To be most effective in getting to the bottom of this question and convincing Tesla, other future vendors, and policy-makers in Washington of the robustness of the results, we suggest that this research be conducted by those with strong environmental credentials to get to the bottom of the issue with findings that resonate far outside of the existing Bitcoin user base. We know that Tesla has access to such institutions and can help our coalition to include environmental groups. It’s time to get firm answers on the subject.

We, the undersigned, are co-founders of a new initiative advocating public policy for bitcoin. Let’s develop a robust methodology to analyze this topic, build in public, develop a research coalition with strong environmental bonafides, and get to the bottom of the issue through a research project that authoritatively answers this question.

Wszystkie kategorie Bitcoin users should know the carbon dioxide impact of their use and be able to transact with vendors such as Tesla. They should know the carbon dioxide impact of using dollars, too.


Derek Khanna, Grant McCarty and David Zell.

This is a guest post by Derek Khanna, Grant McCarty and David Zell. Wyrażone opinie są całkowicie ich własnymi i niekoniecznie odzwierciedlają opinie BTC Inc lub Bitcoin Magazyn.

Pierwotnym źródłem: Bitcoin Magazyn