Bitcoin 2023: Odbuduj Bitcoin

By Bitcoin Magazyn - 1 rok temu - Czas czytania: 4 minuty

Bitcoin 2023: Odbuduj Bitcoin

With every bear market, we can build Bitcoin back stronger than ever. The Bitcoin 2023 conference will be our next chance to do so.

This is an opinion editorial by Brandon Green, the chief of staff for BTC Inc and an organizer of the Bitcoin Konferencja 2023. Bitcoin 2023 i Bitcoin Magazine are both operated by BTC Inc.

If you’re reading this, congratulations, you’ve now experienced a true bitcoin bear market. Yes, the winter is cold, and no it may not warm up for a little while, but it is in these moments, when the freezing air fills your lungs and the ringing in your ears from the noise of the past two years starts to fade, that the entire mission comes back into focus and the signal starts to shine a path in front of you again.

To rzeczywiście zimowa kraina czarów. I chociaż w jakiś sposób wciąż wszystkich zaskakuje fakt, że po lecie następuje zima, nie zapominajmy, że wiosna na pewno nadejdzie i najlepiej zacząć się do niej odpowiednio przygotowywać.

We’ve experienced quite a few of these seasons at Bitcoin Magazine, and it seems like after each cycle, we get a little closer to figuring out how hyperbitcoinization will truly progress, and what we need to do as a community and industry in order to help get us there. Unfortunately, the mechanism by which we figure this out tends to be via pain and harsh lessons.

W latach 2013-2014 uczyliśmy się, że „nie twoje klucze, nie twoje monety”. largest exchange in all of Bitcoin (zdecydowanie) upadł. W latach 2017-2018 dowiedzieliśmy się, jak zarządzanie powinno działać w systemie bez zdefiniowanego zarządzania poprzez gorzkie wojny wideł. Teraz, w latach 2021-2023, dowiadujemy się, w jaki sposób wprowadzenie cykli kredytowych i długów wpływa na rynki i je zniekształca, a także poznajemy różne wektory ataków wprowadzone przez papier bitcoin i IOU, zwłaszcza w systemie z niemal natychmiastowym rozliczeniem.

W rzeczy samej, Bitcoin is taking us through a speedy crash course on the past 2,000-plus years of financial innovation. Anyone following Bitcoin’s trajectory closely can rightly consider him or herself an expert in monetary theory, among other things.

Jednak samo nauczenie się tych lekcji nie wystarczy.

Podczas mroźnej zimy nie hibernujemy; budujemy. Nadszedł czas, aby wyciągnąć wnioski z ostatniej dekady i zastosować je w przyszłości globalnego systemu finansowego. Wiele firm i projektów, które nam w tym pomagają, już tu jest, dopracowując swoją ofertę i budując solidną infrastrukturę, z której możemy korzystać. Wiele innych nie zostało jeszcze nawet wymyślonych.

Bitcoin 2019 was founded four years ago, in the heart of the 2018 bear market on the heels of the bitter civil war. The goal was to “Spraw, żeby Bitcoin Fun Again”, leczy rany i pomaga wytyczyć drogę naprzód dla tej branży.

The industry surrounding Bitcoin grew tremendously over the proceeding four years, and our conference was designed to be an enabling force in that growth. Many of today’s Bitcoin-focused companies were founded at our events. Startups were pitched and funded. Companies met with and hired key employees. Business partnerships were forged in our meeting rooms. Products and services (and more!) were announced on our stages. You’d be hard pressed to find a company in our space that didn’t change the trajectory of their business by attending or sponsoring our conference.

In 2019, the community was divided and Bitcoin hadn’t properly been prioritized in the broader discourse. In 2023, the community is stronger than ever, but the industry surrounding Bitcoin has gotten absolutely rekt. The graveyard of companies that became overextended, overleveraged or outright fraudulent is olbrzymi. There are massive gaps in the products and services those companies created, and massive opportunities to build new products and services with the core tenets of Bitcoin as the focus. We have a unique opportunity to reimagine what a financial system with Bitcoin at its center looks like, and the Bitcoin 2023 conference will be our first chance to come together as a community and do just that.

Bitcoin 2023 is coming on May 18, 2023. The companies and builders who attend have a chance to be the leaders who shape the future of our industry for years to come. The ideas generated among attendees and speakers can be the underpinnings of the next growth phase of the industry. We will build back with Bitcoin at the core of every product and service on the market. And we will prove to the world that an idea whose time has come cannot be stopped.

This next epoch will perhaps be the most pivotal to Bitcoinsukces. Bitcoin’s “prove it” moment is upon us, and the whole world is watching. The future of Bitcoin czeka.

Nie siedź z boku. Wejdź na arenę.

Pierwotnym źródłem: Bitcoin Magazyn