Bitcoin Przełamanie hashrate prowadzi do największej korekty trudności w ciągu roku, ale dlaczego?

By Bitcoinist - 1 rok temu - Czas czytania: 2 minuty

Bitcoin Przełamanie hashrate prowadzi do największej korekty trudności w ciągu roku, ale dlaczego?

Data shows the recent surge in the Bitcoin hashrate has now resulted in the largest difficulty adjustment to the network in over a year.

Bitcoin Mining Difficulty Spikes Up Following ATH In Hashrate

Według najnowszego raportu tygodniowego z Badania Tajemne, the BTC block production rate reached a value of almost 7 recently after the hashrate surge.

"hasz wydobywczy” to wskaźnik, który mierzy całkowitą ilość mocy obliczeniowej podłączonej do Bitcoin blockchain.

Using this available hashrate, miners hash blocks (or more simply, handle transactions) on the network, and the pace at which they do this process is known as the block production rate.

As a part of its features, the BTC chain aims to keep it so that this rate remains nearly constant. However, whenever the hashrate registers a change, the block production rate also shifts its value.

For example, an uptrend in the hashrate leads to miners hashing blocks faster since they have a higher amount of power online now. As a countermeasure to this, the concept of Bitcoin "trudność wydobycia" wchodzi w grę.

The difficulty’s value decides how much power miners require in order to mine a block. If the metric goes up, the miners’ pace slows down, thus reducing the block production rate, and sending it back to the network’s intended value.

These adjustments in the network difficulty are periodic, and occur in roughly every two weeks. Also, the entire process is automatic; the blockchain’s code itself decides how much the value should change.

The most recent difficulty adjustment took place a few days back, and it dialed up the metric’s value by 13.5%, marking the highest change since May 2021.

Now, why did the difficulty change so drastically recently? A look at the Bitcoin mining hashrate chart can be very revealing:

Looks like the value of the metric has spiked up | Source: Cotygodniowa aktualizacja Arcane Research - tydzień 40, 2022

Jak widać na powyższym wykresie, Bitcoin mining hashrate sharply rose up recently and set a new all-time high.

Because of this, the block production rate increased to 6.94 per hour, an unusual value that’s much greater than the 6 blocks per hour network target.

And so, in order to account for this rapid growth in the hashrate, the chain had to significantly increase the difficulty.

Cena BTC

W momencie pisania, Bitcoincena wynosi około 19 tys. USD, co oznacza spadek o 4% w zeszłym tygodniu.

The value of the crypto hasn't shown much movement during the last few days | Source: BTCUSD na TradingView Featured image from TheDigitalArtist on, charts from, Arcane Research

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