Projekt Ordinals uruchamia bezpośrednie włączanie NFT Bitcoin

By Bitcoin Magazyn - 1 rok temu - Czas czytania: 2 minuty

Projekt Ordinals uruchamia bezpośrednie włączanie NFT Bitcoin

The controversial project has been met with equal parts excitement and criticism in regards to its impacts on Bitcoin.

Projekt o nazwie Porządkowe uruchomił na Bitcoin blockchain, effectively enabling Bitcoin-native on-chain NFTs. 

Prowadzony przez byłego Bitcoin Core contributor Casey Rodarmor, the protocol is a convention for numbering and transferring individual satoshis on the Bitcoin sieci.

Słowo, a specific implementation of Ordinals, “is a wallet and explorer that allows tracking the location of specific satoshis and their ordinal numbers - assigned by the Ordinals protocol - as well viewing, creating, and transferring napisy, that is, individual satoshis inscribed with arbitrary content,” the press release sent to Bitcoin Magazine states.

The introduction of Ord and inscriptions brings NFTs to Bitcoin, umożliwiając umieszczanie treści, takich jak obrazy, filmy i kod HTML w pliku Bitcoin transaction and assigned to an individual satoshi.

“Inscriptions, using the ordinals protocol, are fully on-chain, and do not require a sidechain or separate token,” the release reads. “Inscriptions inherit the simplicity, immutability, security, and durability of Bitcoin samo."

Since its release, the project has attracted a great amount of debate in regards to the impact of ordinals and inscriptions on Bitcoin. Supporters of Ordinals, like Dan Held, describe it as a net benefit for Bitcoin, powiedzenie, “It brings more financial use cases to Bitcoin, and drives more demand for block space (aka fees).”

Meanwhile, critics of Ordinals like Blockstream CEO and long-time Bitcoiner Adam Back wyjaśnił, że "Bitcoin is designed to be censor resistant. This doesn't stop us mildly commenting on the sheer waste and stupidity of an encoding. At least do something efficient.”

Wydaje się, że tocząca się debata wynika z dyskusje pod kątem potencjalnego wykorzystania przestrzeni blokowej i zwiększenia przepustowości niezbędnej do uruchomienia węzłów w wyniku napisów. Niezależnie od debaty „projekt Ordinals jest kontynuowany bez faz”, czytamy w komunikacie prasowym, „a współautorzy nadal dodają nowe funkcje, takie jak pochodzenie, kolekcje, możliwość komponowania i zdecentralizowany rynek”.

Ordinals and inscriptions could prove to be an interesting catalyst for Bitcoiners to re-examine the social dynamics that shape Bitcoin development. While the positive or negative impacts of ordinals specifically may be up for debate, renewed interest in how projects and technical implementations are built on Bitcoin is a healthy sign for the network. 

Pierwotnym źródłem: Bitcoin Magazyn