Przedsprzedaż Web3 Freelance Metaverse DeeLance wskakuje do etapu 4 po zebraniu 1.2 miliona dolarów — inwestorzy ścigają się, by zyskać, zanim ceny wzrosną o 50%

Przez CryptoNews - 11 miesiące temu - Czas czytania: 1 minuta

Przedsprzedaż Web3 Freelance Metaverse DeeLance wskakuje do etapu 4 po zebraniu 1.2 miliona dolarów — inwestorzy ścigają się, by zyskać, zanim ceny wzrosną o 50%

Tuesday, 30th May - Web3 freelance metaverse platform DeeLance, which has been touted as a potential game changer for the remote gig working industry, just hit a huge milestone in its presale.
The project has now raised a whopping more than $1.2 million via the sale of its native $DLANCE crypto token, despite fundraising efforts only having been launched a few weeks ago.
That means the presale has now entered its fourth stage and the $DLANCE price has risen to $0.038....
Read More: Web3 Freelance Metaverse DeeLance’s Presale Jumps to Stage 4 as $1.2 Million Raised - Investors Race to Get In Ahead of 50% Price Rise

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