After FTX Implosion, It's Time To End Bitcoin's Dysfunctional Relationship With Crypto

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After FTX Implosion, It's Time To End Bitcoin's Dysfunctional Relationship With Crypto

Michael Saylor’s recent dysfunctional relationship comment perfectly summarizes the disconnect between bitcoin e criptografia.

This is an opinion editorial by Tim Niemeyer, a Bitcoiner since circa-2018 and co-host of the Lincolnland Bitcoin Meetup in Springfield, Illinois.

"Bitcoiners are trapped in a dysfunctional relationship with crypto and we want out!”- Michael saylor

Em meio à carnificina do Drama FTX, um momento de clareza iluminou a Twittersfera. As palavras de Michael Saylor foram o sinal no ruído resultante do naufrágio disfuncional conhecido como “cripto”. Antes de podermos realmente apreciar suas percepções, devemos primeiro meditar sobre o que torna esse relacionamento disfuncional ou, no contexto da terapia de casais, um relacionamento tóxico.

Enquanto muitos na indústria de criptomoedas estavam felizes em levar suas vidas vendo seu relacionamento com o dinheiro (confiança, compromisso, suporte, etc.) de uma forma positiva, eles estavam ignorando os sinais de alerta de que seu relacionamento era tudo menos saudável. Claro, todos os bons relacionamentos têm seus altos e baixos. Desentendimentos acontecem, mas no geral vocês compartilham objetivos comuns e confiam no outro para ter seus melhores interesses no coração. Há um certo nível de expectativa de que seu parceiro irá apoiá-lo, comunicar-se aberta e honestamente e abster-se de controlar comportamentos. A vida dessa forma é libertadora e você geralmente é capaz de florescer.

Mas e se um lado não tiver seus melhores interesses no coração? E se forem desonestos? E se houver um padrão de desrespeito? E se eles ignorarem suas necessidades? Claro, você pode esperar uma mudança, mas ainda se sente esgotado, estressado, ansioso ou deprimido. Eventualmente, você quer sair. Sua necessidade de um relacionamento positivo e saudável supera o conforto do relacionamento conhecido e atual. O primeiro passo é admitir que há um problema. Reconhecer os sinais de um relacionamento tóxico é necessário.

Sinais de um relacionamento tóxico

Foto por Menina com chapéu vermelho on Unsplash

In regards to our relationship with money, support may be displayed in many ways. One way we support each other is through the ability to trust that our counterpart has our best interests at heart. The overwhelming problem with the cryptocurrency sphere (defined here as everything other than Bitcoin) is that it’s still largely based on an expectation of trust. Whether it’s FTX, Celsius, LUNA or the countless other scams and Ponzis that are sewn into the fabric of the cryptocurrency industry, it’s clear that having centralized entities controlling your value requires you trust the fallible seamstresses and their incentives. It’s like the trust fall; an exercise in which one person lets him- or herself fall without trying to stop it, relying on their friend(s) to catch them. How many times do you allow yourself to fall to the ground before you lose trust?

Essas recentes falhas na criptografia continuam a iluminar a desonestidade inerente em seu DNA. Os investidores são enganados por uma falsa sensação de segurança no relacionamento; é uma forma de comunicação desonesta baseada na falta de transparência e na natureza excessivamente alavancada das trocas. Permitir que os humanos controlem o dinheiro permite que comportamentos de controle sejam codificados no sistema, o que leva a um ressentimento crescente no relacionamento ... O relacionamento fica ainda mais tenso quando o lado tóxico coloca as necessidades deles à frente das suas. As necessidades de alguns CEOs muitas vezes os incentivam a alavancar a confiança dos clientes para beneficiar seus ganhos. Essa exibição de comportamentos financeiros negativos está se tornando muito comum in the cryptocurrency industry (again, non-Bitcoin-only entities). At some point, as my father would say, we need to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Etapas para consertar um relacionamento tóxico

Foto por Lucas Bravo on Unsplash

The first step is to accept responsibility. Not that you caused the situation per se, but that you acknowledge the situation you’re in and begin advocating for yourself. This can be done by investing in yourself. In the context of this article, that investment is education in Bitcoin as well as understanding the unintended consequences of adopting a “digital fiat” mindset present throughout the altcoin and centralized exchange industries. Once we shift from blaming to understanding, we allow ourselves to begin healing. The pain resulting from the recent developments will linger for a while, but it is our responsibility to not dwell on the past but move forward with compassion. The next step in the journey to healing is allowing yourself to be vulnerable again. This can be attained by sharing your self-love with others; calmly and clearly explaining the benefits of Bitcoin, self-custody and proof of reserves to friends and family.

People recovering from a toxic relationship can benefit from finding support. It is the opinion of the author that Bitcoiners should be that support structure. It’s ironic that many Bitcoiners are known as the toxic ones when they are the ones trying to illuminate the toxicity inherent in the ecosystem. That being said, an “I told you so,” doesn’t assist in the healing process. This is the moment where we must rise above and lead with compassion. We should hold space in our heart and allow others the time to heal and change.

There will be many who do not recover from a toxic relationship of this magnitude. While we can continue to educate from a place of humility, we must remember that, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.” Everyone will ultimately heal in their own way at their own pace. Some may never learn. We’ve probably all had a friend who’s jumped from one toxic relationship to another. As much as you may want to help, they need to first choose to help themselves. Even more, some people will continue to “Tinder around'' with unhealthy cryptocurrency relationships. That’s their prerogative. If a friend of ours wants to be part of the hookup culture, that’s on them. They have to deal with the consequences of STDs and the like.

Regardless of the actions of certain exchanges or crypto in general, we must continue to espouse the benefits of Bitcoin in a positive light. Tell them how truth is born from trustlessness. Demonstrate how actual decentralization leads to pure democracy. Illuminate how immutability and permissionless systems allow for a free-flowing, cooperative society. Michael Saylor acutely recognized the toxicity we are allowing to proliferate through the perceived connection to crypto. We must choose to move forward towards a bitcoin standard for ourselves, our friends and family, and, ultimately, for society to flourish.

Este é um post convidado por Tim Niemeyer. As opiniões expressas são inteiramente próprias e não refletem necessariamente as da BTC Inc ou Bitcoin Revista.

Fonte original: Bitcoin Magazine