Analista prevê que uma Altcoin se destacará na frente do grupo, afirma Bitcoin Retrocessos provavelmente serão superficiais

Por The Daily Hodl - 2 anos atrás - Tempo de leitura: 3 minutos

Analista prevê que uma Altcoin se destacará na frente do grupo, afirma Bitcoin Retrocessos provavelmente serão superficiais

A closely followed crypto market trader thinks the Bitcoin (BTC) bull market remains in full swing while predicting an early altseason for one crypto asset in particular.

The pseudonymous trader known as Altcoin Sherpa is bullish on the decentralized streaming platform Theta (THETA). He conta his 145,900 Twitter followers that THETA may be gearing up to rally and precede the rise of many altcoins in the space.

“I think that this one will moon earlier than other altcoins. It’s been in an accumulation range for longer than most and hasn’t pumped really in quite some time.

I expect many alts to look like SNX did back in 2020. V-shaped reversal/accumulation/expansion.”

Fonte: AltcoinSherpa / Twitter Fonte: AltcoinSherpa / Twitter

He acrescenta that THETA tends to move on its own terms, distinct from the rest of the overall crypto market.

“THETA é aquele que pode ter um desempenho superior. Ele cortou por mais tempo do que outros E também tem seus próprios ciclos de mercado/geralmente faz merda por conta própria”

Atualmente, THETA está sendo negociado a $ 8.06.

Dando uma olhada Bitcoin (BTC), the pseudonymous trader diz that dips may be shallower than those experienced in 2020 as the context surrounding the market is different.

O mais recente BTC pullback measured just under 14%, whereas 2020’s pullback before liftoff was 17%.

“BTC: Market structure, context, charts are all different vs. other 20k resistance price action in 2020. With that said, the pullbacks don’t have [to] be that deep when price grinds near ATH [all-time high] levels like this. Up only.”

Fonte: AltcoinSherpa / Twitter Fonte: AltcoinSherpa / Twitter

Sherpa also looks at Algorand (ALGO), noting that it may have trouble superando Bitcoin as it struggles to break out of its sideways range.

“ALGO: I think this one continues to chop around a lot. I don’t know if it outperforms BTC, seems unlikely.”

Fonte: AltcoinSherpa / Twitter

Finally, he takes a look at the blockchain indexing protocol The Graph (GRT). After highlighting that the token is showing signs of accumulation, Sherpa says that GRT might be about to take off.

“GRT: This coin seems to be showing some signs of accumulation. Some nice volume coming in. I wouldn’t mind scaling in here for a passive trade.”

Fonte: AltcoinSherpa / Twitter

No momento da escrita, GRT está sendo negociado a $ 1.18.

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Imagem em destaque: Shutterstock / Art Furnace / Sensvector

O posto Analista prevê que uma Altcoin se destacará na frente do grupo, afirma Bitcoin Retrocessos provavelmente serão superficiais apareceu pela primeira vez em The Daily Hodl.

Fonte original: The Daily Hodl